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L O S T   I N   S H A D O W

      I stood in what must be left of Konohagakure; Hashirama's dream had lasted longer than predicted.

      I took in my surroundings as the three masked Shinobi lead me into an enclosed office overlooking the village. In the chair sat a woman with blonde hair and a diamond on her forehead, I briefly recalled it known as the 100 Healers Mark. She templed her fingers as a small pig oinked next to her.

      "Lady Hokage, she was sealed away in the alcove on the border," the Shinobi that held my effects stepped a full length away from me. I felt bare without my weapons, so to compensate I tensed my shoulders. I clenched my gloved fists and stepped forward, straining against my captors. ". . .she possesses the Sharingan."  

      This wasn't how it was supposed to be, I thought to myself. 

      I narrowed my eyes at the woman who looked at me just as cautiously. What happened to Hashirama? If he wanted to appoint a woman such a prestigious title, he'd use Mito. I glanced around the office, where was Tobirama?  

      "Who are you?" she leaned forward in her seat.

      My lips flattened into a threatening slit, "I could ask you the same question."

      She had no patience and slammed her fist against the desk, causing the wood to split slightly. Stacks of papers and scrolls rolled onto the floor, to maintain her fractured composure she clenched her teeth at me. Emotion, it was every woman's downfall. 

      "You should address the Hokage with respect," she clasped her hands over the crack in her desk and watched me.

      "Learn the meaning of Hokage and I will address you as such. Where is Hashirama?" I was nonchalant at best.

        Her assistant that held the pig, frowned at me; the three masked Shinobi took a step back and waited for the Hokage to explain the current events. Had something happened to Hashirama? Was he brought down in battle before Madara lost his mind? I need to locate Tobirama, I must speak with him.

      "Hashirama is dead; he has been for almost seventy years. I'm his  granddaughter Tsunade. Now, I don't know what act you're trying to pull but you better come up with some answers fast," Tsunade said.

      I blinked slowly. Hashirama's been dead for so long? Why hadn't I been told? Why was I cooped up in a jar for seventy years? What happened to the Uchiha and Senju feud? My fists clenched and I took another step towards the desk, I felt my Sharingan activate effortlessly.

      "Do not use those eyes," Tsunade referred to the Sharingan as if they were filth. "They are forbidden."

      "Do not underestimate the Uchiha," I replied.

      "If you're a friend, state your claim now before my ANBU smite you where you stand. I'm willing to hear you out, but as far as I know, Sasuke Uchiha is the last and heir of the clan," Tsunade huffed.

      What exactly was going on? This isn't what had been promised to me, I folded my arms. "My name is Hikari, prodigy of the Uchiha and loyal delegate to the Senju."

      Tsunade's eyes widened slightly, she thought I was bluffing. "And what is your proof?"

       I could feel the heat flare up my neck in embarrassment, the only proof I had to my own identity was that sliver of a memory, of those specially selected pebbles and ice cold water.

      Tsunade didn't look convinced by my silence. I couldn't justify her existence; she's a descendant of Hashirama and Mito? She didn't deserve such lineage. If anything, I expected a red haired Uzumaki like Mito. . .or Hashirama's own son. 

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