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T R U E    I N T E N T I O N S

[Time Skip]

      I'd been thrown into an ice bath, it slowly seized my muscles and caused a dull ache at the base of my spine. 

      I'd fallen asleep with Madara. I reached out for his warmth. As I opened my eyes, I was blinded by a pulsating aura of white light. 

     As the specks cleared from my vision, I was able to slowly move my hands. I was in torn and dirty skins, a thin cut had dried blood surrounding my exposed stomach and I was no longer encased in Susanoo. Large tendrils extended from the Divine Tree and encased almost every Shinobi in linen.  

      I blinked, was that. . .Infinite Tsukuyomi? 

       Naruto and Kuma seemed just as dazed but weren't cocooned in the Divine Tree. 

      "What...what happened?" I murmured.

      "You looked directly into the moon and was partially affected, don't worry, the Infinite Tsukuyomi is simply just warming up," Madara hadn't moved from his position on the root. "Tell me, my Little Uchiha, what did you see in your perfect world?"

     "M-M-Madara. . .Sama. . ." 

     Regardless of the tears in my voice, I jumped to where he stood. It was as if the violence and anguish inside me had been replaced by a dull warmth, a comforting heat. My arms wrapped around Madara's torso as I sunk to my knees, crying. 

     From the way his knees shook, he hadn't anticipated this reaction. The grip on the large fan loosened and Madara collapsed onto his arse, pulling me onto his lap. It was almost like the Infinite Tsukuyomi, where we didn't have to hide or be ashamed of the affection we expressed. 

    "It. . .it wasn't reality," my voice was merely a whisper. "I wish it was. . .I would do anything for it. . .it was what I always wanted. There was peace, love. . .family." 

    "Tell me more," Madara's hands were stationary against my thighs, as if he were afraid to let me go. 

     "Matsumi and Izuna had two beautiful boys whom they gave me primary care. . .you were Hokage and I was still Clan leader but also your most trusted advisor," the tears continued to fall. "There was no suffering, there were no warring eras or families. We were happy and. . .our relationship was accepted. My mother was alive and chastised our activities. . .it was like Jusaki and the lower branch feuds never existed. . .we were so happy." 

     "Oh my Little Uchiha," Madara exhaled. "That sounds perfect." 

     My attention wandered and I unsheathed the golden katana at my hip. I angled the blade so it caught a sliver of our reflection. My black eyes in contrast to his Eternal Mangekyou―however, as I angled it towards the moon, they changed. Madara's brow was covered by the brim of the Hokage headdress and I wore a ceremonial head piece containing a garland of jasmine, a symbol of marriage. 

    "Madara-Sama. . .what do you gain from this?" the eyes of my Tsukuyomi-influenced reflection changed to the third stage Sharingan. 

     He stiffened against me but said nothing. 

      "Hashirama's spirit visited me a while ago and asked for forgiveness, not just for himself but for you. . ." the petals on the garland began to wilt. "I believe the Infinite Tsukuyomi is to recreate our past but on your terms―but fate isn't changed that easily. Maybe if this all stops now, we can attempt to recreate this perfect world." 

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