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F O R G O T T E N    H E R O

        I don't know how long I knelt there, simply staring down at Madara's body. The tingling in my left arm was the only reminder that I was alive.

       There was a strange emptiness, like I was suspended in water but couldn't drown. Was this the true feeling of loneliness? Madara was dead this time, and I was sure he wouldn't be stupid enough to use the Izanami again.

        When someone other than Hashirama approached, I knocked their legs out and held my chakra encased fingertips against their throat. Hashirama gripped my wrist to stop me from ripping out Kuma's trachea. The boy's blue eyes blinked up at me, a silent apology on his lips.

       "Hika–Chan," Hashirama dug his nails into my wrist until I deactivated my chakra. As I looked up at him, his own tears leaked onto my face. "It's time, I know what you want to do, but we have to do it quickly because the reanimation jutsu has hit its limit."

       I got off my knees and clenched my fists. I felt nothing. Why is that? Is it natural to feel so empty even when your loved one promised that you'll live? My lip quivered as Hashirama and I lifted up Madara's limp body.

        "Where are you going to bury him?" Naruto asked. Tear stains were clearly visible on his cheeks.

         "The valley," I answered. "It's where our journey began, and it's where it will end."

        Hashirama lay Madara's body down in the waterfall, right between both statues. Hashirama used an earth technique to dig a six foot deep rectangular grave with a wooden casket underneath. 

        I bit my thumb and slammed my palm against the water's surface, "Kuchiyose no Jutsu!"

      The black rippled pattern extended across the lake and every dragon that Madara tamed, stood a few metres back from me and Hashirama. Ryokan and Yamata no Orochi were the largest, being the leaders and tossed me Madara's best Uchiha robe.

      I slid the robe around Madara's shoulders and fastened it so now he looked like the real leader of the Uchiha. I closed his eyes gently and helped Hashirama ease his body into the casket with a parting kiss. I placed a white cloth over his eyes and finger-combed his hair into some form of semblance around his body. 

       I then unclipped Izuna's silver katana from my belt. The odd lack of weight on either side of my hips unsettled me, but I had to put the feeling aside, Madara deserved this. Hashirama watched in silence along with my summoning as I placed the sheathed katana on Madara's body, curling his limp fingers around the hilt. 

        "Madara deserved to be buried with his brother," I whispered. "They're finally together; I guess I'm the only one you're waiting for."

         "We'll wait as long as we have to," Hashirama held my hand. "There's no pressure for you to join us in Takamagahara, but I believe that Madara's spirit won't rest until you're in paradise with us. We can be the trio again, just like in the old days."

        "I don't belong in this era," I squeezed Hashirama's hand. "I should be dead, or at least I should've watched Itsuki and Hideyoshi grow up and become Hokage like their fathers."

       "You do belong here Hika–Chan," Hashirama's thumb skimmed across my knuckles. "Fulfil Madara's dying wish and continue your life, we'll see each other again soon enough."

        If only I'd done something in the past that could've swayed Madara to be their ally and have a different enemy. As much as I tried to banish the thought, it wouldn't go away. What if? But it was useless, the whole thing was. Nothing would bring Madara back, and even if there was such a way, he would never have agreed to stay alive. He was selfish that way.

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