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      My concern grew as the time passed. I was unsure if it was the weakened seal or what, but Kuma's arrogance had become untameable. His guard duty lessened and whenever he stayed long enough to converse, it would revolve around odd questions concerning Madara. 

      It lead me to fear his partially active Tsuchigan to the point where I kept my Eternal Mangekyou active. Had something inside him snapped? 

      Whatever the reason, Kuma Kohaku could no longer be trusted.  

       Not even Shinigami and Yang Shinigami knew what to do. Yang Shinigami, obviously, didn't want to cooperate or listen to my theories. Shinigami insisted that the Kohaku are troublesome and that I was stupid for awakening the Kekki Genkai that could ruin both me and Madara.

      The best I could do at the moment was to research the Tsuchigan and the Kohaku clan while keeping tabs on Kuma wherever he went by sending Tatsu after him. 

      I'd discovered (so far) that the Kohaku founders were the only ones to have been recorded with the Tsuchigan and that many clansmen died in the pursuit of expanding their Kekki Genkai. 

     It lead the founders to obsess over the Uchiha and study their Sharingan. They'd figured that an overpowering sense of emotion would trigger the chakra receptors in their eyes. However, like the Sharingan, the Tsuchigan's strength was dependent on the individual. Shinigami believed that there was a possibility that Kuma could undo my Eternal Mangekyou. 

      While I sat on the deck looking out at the koi, I hadn't noticed Naruto storm into the garden and demand to see me under the orders of Tsunade. When I turned around, Naruto looked frantic.

      "Hika–Chan, Granny Tsunade's requested that you come on a mission with Team Seven―it's to do with Madara!" Naruto panted, had he run all the way here?

       I pressed my fingers to my lips.  

      "First it's the Akatsuki and now Madara. Is he going to try take the Kyuubi from me too?" Naruto's hand went over his stomach as we ran back through the house and past Kuma who was lying on the couch with the Bingo Book over his face.

      I put a finger to my lips as we slipped from the compound and continued on our way towards the gate. I shook my head at Naruto; my gut told me that Madara wasn't after the Bijuu, he had ulterior motives. "If Madara wanted the Bijuu, he wouldn't have set the Kyuubi on Konohagakure all those years ago―I've been doing my research, Madara wouldn't destroy anything that reminded him of Hashirama."

      "I hope you're right Hika–Chan," Naruto sighed. "Why did we have to sneak past your ANBU, isn't he supposed to be your guard?"

      "I've put him out of commission for a while," I replied and slid the Hannya mask over my face as I saw Kakashi and the pink haired medic, Sakura.

       "Hikari," Kakashi acknowledged me with a nod of the head. "ANBU have spotted the two remaining Akatsuki members, the one that claims to be Madara is there. They're advancing past the border of Amegakure, we have to intervene."

      "Hn," I grunted. Obito.

[Time Skip]

      I stayed silent as we moved to the border of the Hidden Rain. I ignored all questions relating to Madara, the less the team knew, the better. I kept looking over my shoulder, expecting Kuma to appear with a look of vengeance in his Tsuchigan―but thankfully, Naruto flanked my side.

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