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Y A M A T A   N O   O R O C H I

       I placed the Hannya mask down and crouched on my haunches. I wasn't going to summon Shinigami just yet, I motioned for Kuma to stand back.

      I bit down on my thumb and made the hand signs for the summoning. I slammed my palm against the stone , "Kuchiyose no Jutsu!" the circular pattern appeared around me and a puff of smoke swirled.

       An eight headed dragon with different coloured frills and grey horns bobbed before me with blank, white eyes. The middle head, Katsu, lowered itself and took in its surroundings, puffing steam when it saw Kuma with his sword drawn.

       "That. . .that's Yamata no Orochi, the demon!" Kuma's blue eyes quivered.

      "Don't," I intercepted and pushed him back towards the wall. "Yamata is my ally, I befriended him when Madara taught me the blood contract. In legend, the Kami Susanoo slayed all eight heads that held the secrets to the nature releases." 

       "Time to teach the Kohaku a history lesson," Katsu's hiss echoed.

      "It was believed that within the creation of the universe, the Kotoamatsukami, seven generations of Kami emerged following the formation of heaven and earth.

      Kuniumi and Kamiumi were known as the 'birth of deities' and 'birth of land'. Through the generations, Izanagi and Izanami were created and became responsible for the archipelago. The two deities went to form the bridge between heaven and earth. Izanagi undertook a journey to Yomi, the shadowy land of the dead where Izanami lay in death.

      Izanagi couldn't see the difference between the underworld and that of the living, they were both riddled with suffocating darkness, both aching for light and life. Izanagi searched tirelessly for his companion Izanami and finally found her. Izanagi couldn't see her fully due to the shadows of death, but when he wanted Izanami to return with him she spat and informed that it was too late―she now belonged to the dead.

       Izanagi went on to purify himself after recovering from the descent to Yomi. As he undressed, the adornments of his body dropped and formed deities. As Izanagi washed his face, Amaterasu, the incarnation of the sun came from his left eye whilst Tsukuyomi, the incarnation of the moon came from his right. From Izanagi's nose, Susanoo formed as the incarnation of storms and the sea.  

       Amaterasu, the goddess of the sun was in a constant feud with Susanoo, she requested a contest for her brother to gain four noble children to bear gifts to in order to form a truce to end the conflict. Susanoo returned with two men and women to receive Amaterasu's grace. Amaterasu gave her power of the sun, affinity of fire to the four―these four were the founders of the Uchiha clan.

       These Uchiha commanded flames with their Kekki Genkai, she then ordered Susanoo to deliver the four to Tsukuyomi. Susanoo obliged and Tsukuyomi bestowed dreams to them, creating optical illusions to overcome foe. Susanoo finally gave his power in the form of an undefeatable cloak.

       Izanami heard of this from the Yomi and approached. It was a Genjutsu which affects the chosen target through physical sensation shared between them and the user, trapping them in an endless loop; however the cost for the ultimate technique was to lose the light in their Kekki Genkai.   

       Izanagi learned of his wife returning from the Yomi to grant the four Uchiha gifts to make them the strongest in the land―however, to make it even with his wife, Izanagi put a price on using the second ultimate technique, losing one's sight.    

       Of course, these gifts were abused throughout the Uchiha line as inner clan feuds started to arise. The numbers of Uchiha constantly fluctuated as the clan turned on one another to bear these techniques given to them by God's.

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