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P R I C E    O F   S E D U C T I O N

      Konohagkure had decided to take on the appearance of Amegakure, it hadn't stopped raining since Orochimaru revealed himself. I had to have an 'advised' three weeks off to heal my wounds, which the causes were still 'unknown' to Tsunade. 

      Within the preliminary three weeks off, I tried to open up to Kuma more and seduce him. If we were to play games, I refused to lose. 

      Kuma didn't seem to suspect that I'd gained intel about his activities with Orochimaru. Perhaps his ego had outgrown him. Though, I couldn't deny that we had kept contact to mere flirty glances. 

      I slid the door of my bedroom open and walked across the hallway so I could be seen in the doorway from the living room. I wore practically nothing, just a baggy shirt to complement the curve of my chest. To save some of my dignity, I allowed my hair to fall over the peaks of my breasts.

      Kuma lay on his back only in his ANBU skins as he flicked through the Bingo Book for the fourth time today. He lowered it for a moment as his eyes looked me over, each time we taunted each other  he grew a little bolder with each glance.

      "How're you feeling, Uzu?" Kuma asked. His voice seemed a little bit uneven, I watched in silent amusement as he shuffled on the couch uncomfortably and dropped the Bingo Book on his lap.

      "Better," I stretched so that the shirt rode up the dip of my inner thigh. 

      Kuma cleared his throat and sat up straighter. His crystal blue eyes seemed unfocussed, so did the Tsuchigan. "T–that's good," he stumbled over his words. "U–um, is there anything you'd like to do today?"    

      Without his mask, I could see the crisp rose his cheeks turned. He cleared his throat again and looked away. I slid one leg over his lap and straddled him. I propped my chin up in my hands, blinking up at him. Free from my Sharingan, his Tsuchigan would have no effect. 

      "Can't we just stay inside?" I arched my back.  "Or will you be too busy with your other women?"   

      Kuma licked his lips. His hands slid against the base of my thighs. 

      "Hm?" I hummed suggestively and leaned forward towards the ANBU. My hand reached out to caress Kuma's cheek but just like the lightning that arced outside, he made his move.

      Kuma pinned me down against the tatami and panted, sweat collected on his brow as he looked down at me with his manic Tsuchigan. A metal pendant escaped from the inside of his ANBU skins. It was a grey metal disc that matched Orochimaru's missing earing. I pretended not to notice as Kuma tried to collect his breath.

      Madara had me pinned against the mats in the training annex of the Uchiha compound as we practiced our combat techniques. I rolled him off me and jumped back, focusing chakra to my fingertips as I blocked Madara's punches and blind jabsI managed to elbow him in the throat.

      He lay on his back panting. We'd both tossed our robes to the ground since the heat of the battle made us sweat like pigs. We remained in our black skins beneath our robes. Madara removed his gloves and chucked them to the side while I wiped the perspiration from my forehead.

      "Your. . .your speed is impeccable," Madara turned his head to the side and smirked. Madara clasped his hands over his chest that rose and fell rapidly as he tried to catch his breath.

      "I learned from the best," I sat in a lazy cross-legged position with my arms draped around my ankles.

      "But you're not fast enough my Little Uchiha," from his position on the ground, Madara disappeared. In less than a microsecond, his chest was against my back with his legs on either side of me; his left hand traced the ridge beneath my right breast while his right hand tipped my chin at an angle. "You still have much to learn."

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