Chapter 19

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[02:25 PM]
[Lost Time Library]

The trio was sitting down on the chair of a big square table that was carved with antique symbols and lines on its side. As usual, the place was quiet and lonely with only hundred of books as their companies.

Handong kept glancing toward Geoul since their short confrontation ended. He was back to normal with his boring and uninterested face while waiting for JiU to open and read the book.

He noticed what she was doing but it was too much of a bother to serve her so he just pretended like he didn't care. She doesn't seem dangerous to him, but her sharp observations were kind of bothering.

He maneuvered his head around the library, feeling tired of watching the blonde girl as she keeps inspecting the book from the back and to the front then repeated the process again for several times already.

"This place is kinda cool. Dim and cozy. It's good for hibernation." His comment caught Handong by surprise but giggled afterward.

"Look who the guardian is." She said, shrugging her shoulder while smiling with proud.

But his comment brought a different reaction to JiU as she scoffed. "Are you a ghost or what? Just live here then." She remarked.

"I live here, you know," Handong said, causing her to smile sheepishly.

"Sorry~" She apologized cutely.

Geoul was glaring needle beside her. "And can you stop violating that poor book. What are you looking for? I don't think it has any private part for you to peek." He said, sighing and flopped his head down on the table.

"I'm just being cautious! There's no title and all." She replied without much attention to him.

He couldn't help but yawn by the lack of activity for his body and mind. His eyes then accidentally fell on her face, being serious and full of determination.

After a few seconds of staring, he smiled. 'She's kind of cute when she's quiet.' He thought before his eyes slowly closed.


[Time: ???]

It was dark. The floor was cold and hard. Nausea was always knocking on the door of his throat by the smells coming into his nose, pleading to get inside. The pain never stopped scratching throughout his whole body.

His hearing was accompanied by the singing of the pain, coming from the other members that were chosen to undergo their treatment. The treatments to get rid of their sins and be reborn as a new person.

He just laid down on the floor, hugging his brought-up legs like a piece of a useless crumpled paper. His turn will arrive at any moment and he knows it. If other people were in his shoes, they probably already screaming, crying and running their hardest to escape but not him, that action won't bring any good to him.

Cry? His tears were no longer comes out. It ran out ages ago and the outcome was still the same. Run? His legs and nerves didn't even remember how to do that anymore as they broke down. Scream? He will. When his turn is up, he will scream as proof that he is still alive. Screaming was the only sign of his retaliation to the people that makes his life miserable.

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