Chapter 37

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Nighttime came and JiU was standing on the veranda of her room with her arms resting on the railings, thinking far as the night sky where she was looking at with an additional of twinkling stars and moon.

The waxing gibbous moon where she directed her eyes was sometimes covered with a passing piece of grey clouds. The cold breezes greeted once in a while but it was not enough to distract her from her thoughts.

There were a lot of things playing on her mind but for now, her priority was the voice that somehow managed to invade her head. After what she witnessed and faced a week ago, she wasn't even surprised anymore.

Of course, it was still quite hard for her to accept that given she didn't know where or what the girl in her head came from. She could only think of two outcomes. One is the girl was just playing around and harmless or two, she was also playing around but it will bring harm to her.

The girl was probably eating her organs while gulping down her blood from the inside for all she knows. Imagining the images in her head, she shivered and shook her body wildly.

"Ya, what do you take me for? A human eating carnivore?" Rhymed out the said voice in her head. Her tone sounds offended.

"Could be. I don't know how you look like." JiU reasoned, shrugging.

"Oh my God! I'm human, okay? Well, was a human." She said, sounding to not really care about what her words mean to others.

JiU collected all of what she said since the moment she started talking with her three days ago. At first, the girl just greeted her once in a while so she dismissed it as her own imagination.

A day went by and she started to ramble more frequently until today, for the first time she said something of more information about herself.

"You did say you already die. So, are you a ghost?" She asked.

She appeared to be thinking for a bit and replied. "Not really. More like a lost spirit? I don't know actually."

JiU sighed. There goes her hope for an answer. Even the owner of the voice herself didn't know. "Gahyeon, right? Your name?"

"Yup. You remember that right." She giggled happily.

JiU stopped talking and got back into thinking. Her voice and manner of speaking didn't seem to be a bad kind of spirit. She maybe didn't feel comfortable with her residing in her head but she couldn't help to feel curious about how she died.

"I killed myself." She bluntly answered and felt JiU's silent shock inside her body. "I am special and some evil people wanted to use me for something...insidious." Her eyes pointed to the sky as JiU unconsciously knew what she needed.

"I can't accept that so I killed myself and thought that I will be free." She scowled to the moon. "But look at what they've done to me. I can't rest in peace even after I died."

"I'm sorry." That was all JiU can say after hearing her story. What kind of person has the heart to make a living hell out of a human? They were cruel and unforgivable.

"It was a crazy cult. Sacrificing innocent people for their own selfish ambitions. Kids and adult, they treat them equally. Like disposable objects."  The way she talked sent chills down JiU's spine.

"Can't police or special forces or NIS or something does anything to them? They sound like a dangerous bunch." JiU frustratingly said while getting away from the veranda into her room.

"I know some police and investigation units went there several times but you know what one of the popular saying there?" She asked.

"What?" JiU answered and locked the sliding door of the veranda before making way toward her soft and cozy bed.

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