Chapter 3

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A/N: Just wanna make it clear that this is a stand alone story and has no relevance or relationship to Nas's universe at all👍

Enjoy 💜

Amari POV

Luka had attempted to talk to me six times since that awful night. All six attempts I'd managed to escape and avoid him like he carried the plague.

When he needed me, I was either in the shower, on a run too far away from the pack house, on an errand in town or hiding on the other side of the house. Since he broke the lock on my bedroom door, I'd also moved rooms, much to my devestation.

Suprisingly, the snickers and laughs and murmured rumours I'd expected the next morning never came. Luka hadn't told my secret. I was grateful. But I still hated him for uncovering it in the first place.

He had no right to abuse his power and force my submission the way he did, whether I was a dominant or submissive. I realised that I was initially in the wrong for disobeying him but still... I hated that he got away with forcing conformity.

"Amari, our birthday is t-tommorrow. What will we do if we find our mate?" Raven dared to whisper his concern, tip toeing towards to the front of my mind.

I shrugged slightly. I didn't have a plan. "We probrably don't even have one. Plus, we'll reject him anyhow."

"Reject him? Amari, we need a mate to take care of us. Y-you might not agree now, but later, you'll regret it," Raven sounded devestated. I almost felt bad.

But the idea of having a mate was terrifying. It would mean sharing secrets. It would mean admitting what I was and I wasn't really prepared to do that. Having a mate was complicated. I was worried about the changes I'd unconciously make; relying on someone else, having them protect you and being okay with playing the victim. That was what I'd worked hard to distance myself from in the first place.

Besides, was having a mate even a good thing? Mom and dad were mates and look at how he treated her. He beat her, he treated her like trash and he favoured his friends over her and me. What if my mate turned out to be a monster? I couldn't be trapped in such a toxic relationship just because of the mating bond. I'd kill my mate and myself before I let it happen.

Because Raven was an omega, I had no doubt my mate would be dominant. They would be controlling and it would take away from the confidence and independence that had taken me ten years to build. I couldn't let that happen. A mate would make me vulnerable and I didn't like feeling vulnerable.

"You need a mate Raven. I don't. And because I don't, we're not having one," I decided firmly, ending the conversation and shoving him back.

He cried. Endlessly. My head began to pound as I growled in frustration. I tried to ignore him as much as I could, focusing on tidying away my art supplies, throwing out empty or leaking tubes of paint or ancient brushes.

But he wouldn't stop.

And well, he was part of me and I was part of him. That meant, ten seconds later, tears began to drip down my own face as he stupidly allowed his heartbroken feelings to seep into my own emotions.

What an asshole.

Dominants don't cry. Dominants don't cry.

But I was sat here crying like a little wimp and there was nothing I could do to stop it.

"This is why I don't talk to you Raven!" I choked out, frustrated that he was making me feel this way.

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