Chapter 33

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A/N: Happy Valentines day! I personally don't celebrate - because everyday with your significant human should be special, not just one day of the year lol. But for all you who do, I hope you had fun doing couply things I can not relate to! 🤣🥰

For all you single humans like me, have fun with your plants and pets! If you have neither then I hope you spent the day loving the heck outta yourself!

Love ya! 😘💕💜💜💜💜

Warning: There is mentions of suicide in this chapter - just a heads up 👇🏽

Amari POV

My head was pounding. It was the kind of headache that made your head feel like a tonne of bricks on your shoulders. My skull was screaming in protest behind my heavy eyes.

Raven. It had to be Raven. The headaches only got this bad when we were fighting. But we weren't fighting. I hadn't spoken to him since... he asked to shift. I forgot. Fuck, he was probably upset about it. Still, there was no need for this sort of pain.

I reached up and touched my nose. Pulling my fingers back revealed the dark blood staining my fingertips. I frowned as I stared, extremely lightheaded. I needed to lie down.

"Raven, what's wrong with you?" I asked my wolf, groaning in pain. I cupped a hand over my forehead to try and dull the throb.

"W-we need to talk," he whispered timidly.

"About the shifting? Look, Luka and I were talking and we were actually getting somewhere. That's why I didn't let us shift. It's really not that big a deal -" I switched off the light in the bathroom - which is where I'd disappeared to for a piss when my head started pounding.

Luka was down in the kitchen making a quick snack before bed. We'd cuddled on the couch all day, just talking about everything. We promised to listen to each other and that's what we did. But I had to be honest and admit that some of what he was saying I didn't like or agree with.

His story about Jack and Jill turned into some shrink like fairy tail. A creative way of explaining that Raven and I conflicting with each other would only lead to our own self destruction - which I already knew. The blood dripping steadily from my nose was evidence of that.

The revelation I had was that there was one way to make this better which I hadn't tried yet. Luka was going to teach me to physically channel strength to Raven through my mind. Like literal power feeding. When he first explained how it worked, I was confused and sceptical as to how he even knew this worked.

Apparently he'd taken a class or two during high school about werewolf biology. This was indeed possible and I could do it. I just needed to learn how.

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