Chapter 4

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Amari POV

I woke up feeling strange. It was a hard kind if strange to explain. I just felt... abnormal.

My body was sweaty and sticky, despite having slept with the covers off all night and there was this achy feeling in my chest. No matter how hard I rubbed the space above my left nipple, it just wouldn't go away.

Sighing in annoyance at my body's unexplainable behaviour, I got up, peeking at the clock on the wall across from my bed. Seven thirty. Luka would be here in thirty minutes.

I didn't know what on earth he had planned for us but I wasn't sticking around to find out. I'd stupidly slept in this morning and missed the sunrise which is when I normally went on my run around the pack house.

So, I was going now. Birthday or not, I always had my morning run.

Raven was whimpering softly, curled up into a ball. He still wasn't speaking to me. It upset me more than I wanted it to. Normally it was me not wanting to speak to him so now I guess I was getting a taste of my own medicine.

Sighing in frustration - a feeling that never seemed to leave me these days - I pulled on a pair of sweatpants and a light t-shirt, ignoring the embarrassing and ugly traits to my 'omega' body I hated so dearly.

After my running shoes were on my feet, I left my room for the outdoors. But the moment I stepped foot outside the door frame, I froze. Something was up. Raven knew it too.

I frowned as I looked to the left of me, down the corridor towards the other bedrooms and common rooms. Something in the back of my mind was urging me closer. My heart beat sped up and I nervously clenched my fists together.

"G-go on Amari. W-whatever it is... it smells so good," Raven whispered, finally talking to me - even though it was because he wanted something. 

I sighed, walking down the corridor. I wanted to be strong with my movements, but they were shaky and unsure. I didn't know how to decipher what I was feeling. Raven was right. Whatever I was looking for smelt delicious.

Curiously, I wandered until my feet were planted outside of Luka's room. The alpha? But why...

The door swung open and a shirtless Luka stood there in all his god-like glory, panting hard as his blue eyes swallowed me up in a heated gaze.

My own eyes were wide as heat like nothing I'd ever felt before surged through me. I felt my backside clench as zings of pleasure shot through me, tightening my stomach and making me breathless. This only meant one thing...

Raven howled in happiness as he squealed. "Mate! "

No! No fucking way!

I wanted to cry and shout and scream and roll over and present my ass up to the alpha who looked like he was about to eat me.

Run away Amari! Run!

But it was too late. Luka grabbed me like I were a mere doll in his big hands and tugged me into his room, slammed the door and then shoved me back against it.

I choked out a breath, trying half heartedly to get away. My body began to ache with need for Luka, melting and shivering as he trapped me between his big body and the door.

To my utter suprise, the alpha didn't even look in the slightest bit concerned. He didn't look angry nor disgusted nor even shocked.

"This is a m-mistake!" I squeaked, trying not to moan as he grabbed my wrists and pinned them above my head.

Luka ignored me, bringing his face close to push it aginst my throat, running his soft lips up against my skin. I whimpered, baring my neck to him like second nature. It was like the last ten years of trying to be dominant had flown out the window.

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