Chapter 6

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Luka POV

Amari felt like an exact mold made to be fitted against my body. His curves rested perfectly against my front. His ass pressed right up against my crotch as he sat between my legs.

I placed my face close to his hair, inhaling his scent. Beneath the ridiculous amounts of masculine cologne, I got a whiff of his natural sweetness. Fucking hell he smelled delicious.

Amari hadn't spoken and I was giving him a few moments to collect himself, the hand I had up his shirt rubbed softly at his belly and I almost growled possessively at the feel of his soft skin.

He ran away from me. He ran away like I was a monster attacking him without mercy. I hadn't expected him to run. The man was just surprising me more and more the longer I spent time with him.

It annoyed me at first, but then I realised that he probrably hasn't spoken to anyone about his hardships and I was the first person who was pushing him to find out. I was desperate to know his secrets. What was eating him up inside like this so that I could help and make it better. That was my job as his mate.

I sighed, holding his trembling form tighter. I didn't want to hurt him. I wanted desperately to know what happened to make him so cold and detached, to make him lie about his status too. But I didn't want to trigger him into pulling away because of my advances.

Dad was right. I needed to be gentle and I needed to be patient. I was none of those things, but for Amari, I had to try.

Just as I was about to tell Amari that we could try again another time, my little omega began to softly speak and my breath hitched as I listened to him finally open up

Amari took a deep breath, fisting his shirt in his slim fingers. "My dad was an alpha," he sighed. "Our pack wasn't quite a family but more a communal I guess. Everyone just lived there but he never brought us closer."

I nodded slowly, there were some packs who lived like this. Wolves need the closeness of pack mates in order to satisfy social needs. But many didn't feel the need to treat pack mates as family or share that sort of closeness.

Our pack on the other hand was openly social in every way. We were family, friends and everything in between. Sexual relations between pack members was the norm. So was sharing childcare and mental support for other wolves. It was the way my father and grandfather preferred to run their pack - the way I do too.

As alpha, it was my duty to keep traditions alive. And I would. Close-knit packs stopped betrayal and jealousy. It also drove the protectiveness of our dominant wolves when it came to protecting the others. That being, it was beneficial in every way. I was concerned that Amari didn't have that sort of closeness when he was a pup.

"The whole time, it was just me and my mom. We ate together, slept together, did everything together. She was, amazing," his voice was hoarse and I could tell he was holding back tears. I wanted him to cry. I had a feeling Amari didn't do it much.

I wanted him to feel like it was safe to let go with me.

"But no matter how much we got caught up in our little bubble, we could never ignore my dad. He was abusive, him and my uncle Kaleb. They were best friends and ran the pack like brutes. Sometimes, Kaleb was more like an alpha than dad. He was quite manipulative."

Amari shuddered. "He used to pick on mom and me a lot. Dad did too. He hated me because I was an omega."

A low growl started up from the bottom of my throat. I didn't like that at all. My arms tightened around Amari considerably. So his father and this Kaleb were the reason why my omega was so insecure about his true form?

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