Chapter 8

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Amari POV

I tried my very best to ignore the intense blue eyes boring into the depths of my sole. The person they belonged to was extremely irritating me.

Carefully, I reached for my brush which sat in a pallette of acrylic yellows - every different shade of the sun. I was painting, a picture of a medow filled with sunflowers. It was going well... so far.

Luka's unnerving stare and the sexy, laid back, movie star grin on his face was throwing me off my concentration. My hand shook and I felt underpressure. He was so annoying.

The male made a show of making his humongous body more comfortable, flexing his shirtless pecks as he lay on his stomach and rested his chiseled jaw in his palm.

Raven was swooning. On his back, as usual whenever Luka was around, his tail flicking from side to side as he panted. What a whore. I rolled my eyes and focused back on the last page of my sketch book.

One more pretty flower to go and...

"I'll pay you in kisses if you paint me naked."

I misplaced my brush, accidently swiping yellow over a patch of green grass. "Luka!!"

"What?! You can't blame me for the images of my sexy naked body, you just pictured, in your mind!"

My eye twitched and I gritted my teeth, tempted to launch my palette at his face. I would've done too. But acrylics were expensive and my empty pockets were screaming no.

"You're like a child!" I growled, squeezing the tiniest dot of green on my pallette to fix the ruined grass. For such a powerful alpha, Luka was mildly immature and I had to remind myself that he was only twenty one.

It was cute. But still... ugh.

The still laughing male on the bed rearranged himself once again, lifting one leg and casting a smoldering gaze as he longingly reached out his fingers for me. "You could paint me like this. I'm quite photogenic."

I bit my lip, trying to hold in my laughter. But one wiggle of his eyebrows had me bursting into gales. "What is wrong with you?!"

"Nothing! It's a valid request from a talented artist like yourself. I want it life sized, on a canvas. Super realistic if you can."

"I'm not painting you naked. And where on earth would you keep a painting like that anyway?" I rolled my eyes with a small giggle.

"On the wall, so you can look at it and be reminded of how much you love me when I'm away," he grinned.

I tilted my head. "You're going away?"

"No," he denied. "Well, yes."

I felt my heart drop a little. I never thought it would bother me so much. Heck, I'd been living fine without him next to me twenty-four-seven for the past ten years. But the thought of being seperated from him now made my chest ache. Raven whimpered in sorrow.

"Is that a puppy pout I spy? Amari, aww, you really are the softest little-"

"Shut the fuck up!"

He burst out laughing before climbing off the bed to sit beside me on the floor. His body heat and scent flushed over me, making me shiver. The male sat so close that our thighs plastered together and he not so subtly lay a hand on my hip, ghosting his fingers under my shirt.

"Sometimes, I'll have to leave for a few days on alpha business. You know, peace treaties, making friends with other alpha's et cetera," he explained, pulling me closer and I allowed myself to lean up against his side.

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