Chapter 10

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Amari POV

I swallowed back the bile rising in my throat, nervously wiping my sweaty hands over my shorts. Nerves made my stomach cramp and my heartbeat accelerate to the point where I thought I'd have a heart attack.

"Breathe," Luka's soothing voice filled me and my tense muscles relaxed a tad but I couldn't fully become content when I knew what lay ahead of me.

We'd just arrived back at the pack house. It was strangely quiet. There was no one hanging around on the outside benches and hammocks. The flower garden that backed onto the forest was empty too. Confused, I looked up at Luka. 

"I asked everyone to gather in the hall and wait for us," he explained, soothing his big hand up and down my back in round motions. I leaned against him, closing my eyes briefly to catch my breath.

I was still terrified. It felt strange to realise that everyone knew now. It was no longer a secret that I'm an omega. It made me feel both sick and like a huge weight had been lifted off my shoulders. The conflicting feeling was frustrating.

"U-umm, Mari, I know y-youre mad at m-me, b-but I'm here okay? Even if everyone hates us, I still love - w-well I'm here I guess," Raven's unsure stutter of a whisper made tears well up in my eyes.

After our argument and me admitting that it hurt me when he left me alone during hard situations, I was so grateful he listened and decided to push past his own fears to support me. He was trying and that's all I could ask for.

"Thanks Rave, it means a lot,' I answered just as softly and he let out a happy purr at the nickname I used to call him.

Luka, linking our fingers, brought me out of my head and I peered up at him. As usual, he seemed calm and collected, not giving anything away. He looked stern but ultimately so unbothered that I wondered if we were actually about to walk into the same situation.

By the time we made it inside and down the corridor towards the hall, my heart was trying to beat it's way out of my chest.

Without skirting around the bush just like the agressively forward alpha he is, Luka opened the door to the grand hall and walked confidently inside yelling "Stop talking and listen!"

The loud chatter died down and around a hundred pairs of confused, paniced, worried and hostile looking eyes turned to stare at us. I wanted to shrink away into a dark corner and never come out again. The fear I felt in that moment was indescribable. I'd never been at the center of attention like this before in my life and I hated it.

Raven whimpered and took a few steps back, but didn't leave me alone like usual. Instead, he stayed at the forefront of my mind, his legs shaking. I in turn tried to draw strength from him. I kept my facial expression in its usual stoic mask and pinched the skin of my palm to stop my hands from trembling.

Luka led us up to his platform where he usually spoke from during pack meetings. He was a good few heads taller than everyone so it wasn't really needed but it helped the wolves at the back of the large room to see him properly when he spoke.

I felt like I was standing under the spotlight, bare and open for everyone to judge and make a mockery of me. I could see Leah at the front of the crowd. She had a devious smirk on her face as if my discomfort made her happy.

I looked away from her immeadiately and focused on a spot on the far back wall so I wouldn't have to look at everyone and fear bursting into tears.

Luka stood proud and tall next to me and I envied his confidence. The giant placed a big paw on the small of my back as he addressed his pack. "First of all, thank you meeting here at such short notice. I know you have other things to attend to so I'll make this quick."

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