Chapter 27

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A/N: Warning, this chapter contains sexy business! ⚠️😜 a bit of a fun one for you to break away from the sadness a bit!

Make sure you read chapter 26 first - sometimes when I upload too close together, there's confusion👌💕

Luka POV

Feeling helpless was something that I really despised. It just wasn't part of my nature. Whether it clashed with the fact that I was an alpha or with my personality, I wasnt sure. What I was sure about however, was that I didn't like not being in control. I didn't like that I couldn't fix things when they went wrong. I didnt like feeling helpless.

But that's exactly how I felt, hovering at the edge of the bed with a plate of untouched toast in my hands. I'd made it for Amari, only for it to be pushed away. My mate sat on the bed, his back against the headboard, his knees pulled up tightly to his chest.

He was wearing one of my hoodies, practically drowning himself in the material. His eyes were distant, his previously warm, toffee toned skin was pale. His bottom lip was always trembling and if not, he was biting with his teeth until blood dripped down his chin. He'd been like this for the past two days after he reunited with his mom and all that shit got revealed.

It was killing me to see him like this. So heartbroken. No matter how many times I'd tried to engage with him, it was like he shut down.

Part of me felt frustrated and was on the verge of dominating him into doing what I wanted. I was sure that a little forcefulness would get him to listen. However, I also realised that it may backfire and he may withdraw even more. I didn't want to scare him.

I remembered back to our fight in the forest that one time after he went off at me. I'd been so livid. But it was more the alpha in me who was pissed off about his disrespectfullness. But when he'd shook and wet himself, I'd never forget how sorry I felt for terrifying him like that. I'll never do that again. Never.

I brought my attention back to Amari. He was staring out the window, his chin on his knees. His hazel eyes were glossed over. He didnt look like my strong beta anymore. He looked like my fragile omega.

"Lick him."


"Lick him and he'll feel better," Izaak suggested, his ears pressed back with worry for our mate.

"I'm not a wolf right now Izaak. People don't like to be licked," I told him softly.

"Well I like it. How can you not like licks? They're like kisses, fool. You humans are too fucking picky. "

I rolled my eyes at his sassy dig. But when I thought a bit more, that gave me an idea. I was desperate and Amari wasnt responding to anything else.

I placed the plate on the dresser and moved into a clearer space. It didn't take me long to strip out of my shorts and shirt. Amari looked up, his eyes wide with surprise, his cheeks pink with the sight of my naked body.

I gave him a cheeky wink before shifting into my wolf. It was a smooth transition and before I knew it, I had four legs, a tail and fur. Lots and lots of fur.

Izaak started pushing for control and I let him have it, warning him that he shouldn't do anything drastic. No trying to fuck, no biting and no dominance. He huffed in agreement, impatiently trying to force his control.

I finally him take it, hoping that Amari would appreciate the change.

Amari POV

I stared at the big wolf now hopping up onto the bed and trotting forward. Luka's wolf was freaking huge and took up a majority of the bed. I was confused. Why shift right now? I wasnt going outside if that's what he was suggesting.

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