Chapter 9

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A/M: I'm back✌ If you haven't already read chapter 8 then read that before this or you'll be a confused mess 👍🤗

Luka POV 

I reached Amari about ten minutes after I'd spoken to the sobbing male through the pack link. Izaak was on edge, desperate to get to our distraught mate and comfort him.

I didn't have a clue what he was talking about. The pack knew? He wasn't coming home? Determined to work out where things had gone wrong, I quickly parked my car in town and got out, rushing to the side of a small shop Eugene told me they were waiting beside.

Amari sat on the floor, his head in his hands as his body shook. Eugene sat beside him, biting at his lip in worry. He perked up when he saw me, quickly moving out of the way.

I tugged Amari up and he startled with a yelp before throwing his arms around my neck and burying his face against my chest. If anything, his body seemed to shake harder.

"Calm down baby," I hummed, rubbing circles over his back, holding his waist tightly with my other hand. "It's alright Amari."

Eugene managed to get my attention. He set two shopping bags down at my feet before going to leave. I mouthed thank you, not expecting him to stay and allowed him to return home. I could ask more about what happened later.

Amari's cries seemed to fade to sniffles before he slumped against me all together, his head on my chest.  "Good boy," I praised, running my hands through his bouncy curls over and over. He pressed into my touch like a puppy, whimpering slightly.

I realised then that he'd completely dropped his 'tough guy' facade. It made me smile internally knowing that I affected him that way. After a few moments, Amari looked up, blinking his big hazel eyes in sadness. 

"Leah heard me admit that I'm an omega. She's gone to tell the whole pack because she's still angry that I got Bracken kicked out," he choked on his explination.

I growled lowly in anger, my body tensing and the omega whined, tilting his head in submission. I leaned forward and mouthed his bare neck,  kissing and nipping the soft skin to calm myself down.

That bitch.

"Kill her for hurting mate," Izaak snarled.

I was tempted, but technically, she hadn't done anything wrong. She'd uncovered a lie and told her pack members. Killing her would be irrational from an alpha role perspective. I could punish her for being insensitive with intent to harm another pack mate however, which I fully planned to do.

Now, all I had to worry about was damage control. This could go two ways. The pack could reject Amari for lying. Or, they could embrace the fact that our pack now officially has an omega. If anything, I needed to cut down the rumours or whatever else nastiness Leah was spreading about Amari right now.

But then Amari himself needed care and attention. I couldn't leave him alone to deal with the pack and I'm sure he didn't want to return straight away either. 

"Dad, we have a problem. Another wolf found out Amari's status and is notifying other pack members. Could you please squash down any bullshit on my behalf?" I contacted my father to see what he could do.

"If course. I've already heard. How's Amari doing?" He asked fondly and I could hear his worry for my mate. Nick had been the one to take him in when he was still a tiny pup so it was only natural that his protective urges for Amari were strong.

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