Chapter 16

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A/N: The cold is gone, but guess who's on her fucking time of the month??? The universe won't let me live!!!😡😡😅

Amari POV

"Come pup," Mommy held her hand out for me and I grabbed her slender fingers, eagerly skipping beside her as we headed down the steps and into the kitchen.

"What we making?" I squealed, happy to be spending some time with her today.

"Well, I fancied a lasagne today. Are you going to help mommy cook some yummy dinner?" She asked after politely asking any wolves hanging around to leave.

Daddy and uncle Kaleb were on business at a neighbouring pack. They'd left early this morning and we're due back tomorrow. That meant mommy and I could cook all afternoon and have time to eat before they came back. I was super-duper excited!

"Mmm! Lasagne is yummy!" I nodded eagerly, climbing up my blue stool so I could reach the sink and wash my hands.

Always wash your hands before cooking and along the way! We don't want to get sick from germs!

I carefully poured soap onto my hands, sticking my tongue out in concentration as I cleaned them.

"Ah, while you're here, can you wash the vegetables for me please?" Mommy placed a basket of carrots, tomatoes, onions, bell-peppers and aubergines. I nodded eagerly, getting to work rinsing the vegies under the tap.

Mommy came up next to me in the adjoining slink and used the other tap to wash the minced beef. We worked together, talking about anything and everything. I told her about school and what I was learning in class - about animals and humans.

She listened, adding her own knowledge and I soaked it in, happy to have some extra facts to tell my teacher when I got the chance.

Vegetables and meat washed, we cleaned the sink, washed our hands again and pulled out the chopping boards on the counter.

"Remember what mommy said? Fingers tucked, steady hold on the knife and cut away from your body," Mommy reminded me, gently handing me a knife. "Always be careful, never rush."

I nodded firmly. Now that I was seven, mommy let me help her chop sometimes. She gave me the easier veggies to chop like the aubergines.

I grabbed an aubergine, slicing the large, dark purple vegetable into large chunks and then smaller pieces. I repeated the same with the carrots. Mommy peeled the onion and diced it before grabbing the tomatoes and chopping those too.

Once done, we moved on to the meat. It was already minced so all it needed was seasoning. Mommy lifted me onto her hip and handed me the little pots of seasoning one by one and I giggled, leaning over the pot and shaking the many colourful powders over the mince. We added some raw plants like basil and thyme.

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