Chapter 13

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Amari POV

A week passed after the incident. I'd been having good days and bad days. Some days I believed I really could do this. I felt happy dropping my tough guy facade and relaxing around Luka and Eugene. I woke up without feeling scared of who I really was. I felt confident that my place in the pack really was omega.

Other days, I felt like the whole world was out to get me and giving up seemed so favourable in those moments. I wouldnt get out of bed, feeling like an absolute failure. It was both the fear and the expectations of everyone else that became overwhelming. It was like a roller coaster of emotions.

Raven and I had gotten on better terms. Shifting more had helped a lot. Most days, we'd shift and he'd run with Izaak. Although I had sky rocketing anxiety when Raven was in control, I trusted Izaak to look after us in case anything went wrong.

Although I'd asked Luka more about what he meant regarding channeling strength to Raven, he withheld his information, claiming I should just work on coming closer relationship-wise with Raven first. I'd agreed, knowing that impatience wouldn't get me anywhere.

Today just happened to be a good day. I'd woken up cuddled in Luka's arms. He held on to me tightly, even in sleep. I never admitted it to his face, but his large muscles squeezing my body and keeping me warm felt amazing. It helped me sleep so well.

I yawned, reaching up self conciously to brush his long hair off his face, revealing his closed eyes and his  golden brown lashes fanning across his cheeks. He looked peaceful when he slept - not so intimidating anymore.

I noticed that Luka had been behaving a lot softer too. I think he felt terribly bad for scaring me. He seemed to tip toe around me now, as if fearing I'd piss myself at any moment. I didn't really like it since there was no need. I don't know exactly what happened that night, but it was just the overwhelming feelings of missing mom and feeling insecure and angry and scared that made it happen. It wouldn't happen again randomly just because he teasingly snapped his teeth at me. I hoped he realised that. I missed his annoying digs and teasing.

I went to get up, moving Luka's hands off me slowly as to not disturb him. Once free, I slipped out from under the covers and went to check on Tiana. The kitten had grown over the last week whereas I'd lost weight in comparison. Tiana purred when I scratched behind her ears, rolling onto her side in her little bed.

I filled up her little bowl with tuna and she scrambled to eat, flashing little fangs and her little pink tongue. I sat and watched her for a while with a small smile.

"She's so cute. B-but shouldn't we get her a new friend? She m-might be lonely when we're busy," Raven suggested with a small coo. I smiled at the idea. One thing I'd never hate about Raven was how kind he was. Even if sometimes his kind heart lead to naivety, it was coming from a good place.

"I think that's a great idea. We could find her a little friend," I agreed. I'd have to talk to Luka about it. Having another cat might be pushing the limit a little. But then again... giving Tiana companionship was more important than his wolfish distaste for felines.

When Tiana was done, I let her follow me into the bathroom where I brushed my teeth and attempted to arrange my curls into some sort of decent style. The ringlets fell in my eyes and stuck up in odd places. Luka thought it was cute. I liked hearing his compliments even though I fained annoyance at his cooing. If he liked it than I'd keep them long I guess. 

Once finished, I dressed in simple dark jeans and a loose white t-shirt. All my shirts were too big now, hanging slightly off my shoulder, displaying my collar bone. Changing back to my original diet meant that I'd lost a few pounds. I was still healthy and maintained my muscles but in a less obvious, sleeker way. I was lean and fit instead of bulky.

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