Chapter 44 - Ceremony Pt1

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Amari POV

Excitement had me waking up an hour before usual. Usual was early anyway so there was no surprise when the clock on the bedside table displayed six-thirty AM.

It was ceremony day and I was both feeling extremely anxious and excited at the same time. I felt like throwing up to be honest, not just because of morning sickness but because if nerves.

This was it. I was finally, officially going to be mated to Luka, documents and all. We were going to be bound in front of the moon goddess and in front if our pack. Terrifying.

"But beautiful," Raven yawned sleepily and I agreed easily. It was definately going to be that.

My biggest fear was that Luka would regret this, that one day he would look back and realise he made a mistake. I hoped that day never came and I knew I had to prove to him that I could be a good mate for him - not just now, but always.

"Luka won't regret it Mari, he loves us. Stop doubting him," Raven chuckled softly. "Besides, he wouldn't do this if he didn't want to. You know how stubborn he can be."

That was true. It was almost impossible to force Luka into doing things he didn't want to do, unless you were good at guilt tripping - which I fortunately was. But it didn't always work.

"I know," I sighed, shifting where I lay.  The room was still dark, I bought some black out curtains so I didn't have to hear Luka complaining about the sun every morning.

"Its a big commitment though. I mean, he could still run away if he wanted to but... this just feels very solid. I can't explain it," I sighed with a frown.

"I understand, honestly Mari. You don't want to be left heart broken after making a sold commitment to this mating. Furthermore, you think eventually he'll want to get away from you because you'll have somehow messed up. I get it."

"Yeah..." I whispered in wonder at his ability to decipher my feelings when I struggle to find the words.

Raven remained worry free, reassuring me with gentle words. "Well, we're all committing to this mating, all four of us and that alone should show you that we all want this. Plus, we've messed up many times before and Luka hasn't ditched us, so a few more inevitable fuckups in our lifetime are hardly going to act as a repellent. Now we've got our babies on the way, he's not going anywhere."

"Yeah, you're right. I'm overthinking this," I sighed, rubbing my big belly.

My brain still couldn't get over the fact that there were five little pups inside there. It was insane to even comprehend that I'd be giving birth to quintuplets in two months time. Crazy.

Being pregnant was a bit of a hassle. I wasnt really enjoying it as much as people made it out to be this marvellous experience on TV. If I stood up for too long, I got pains in my back and feet. I couldn't bend over that well and I just felt unnaturally heavy.

My nipples were tender and it didn't help that Luka seemed obsessed with playing with them. I always needed a wee at the most inconvenient of times and I either wanted to stuff my face with food until I popped or avoid food because the thought made me want to puke my guts up. It was annoying as hell.

But then, when Luka was all over me, kissing my belly and talking to our babies and telling me how proud he was that I was strong enough to bring life into this world - it made everything ten times better.

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