Chapter 35

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Amari POV


Today was going to be a decent day. I was determined. It needed to start right so that it could end right. That was the plan.

I got up slowly, successfully detaching myself from Luka's thickly muscled arms and stuffing a pillow next to him so he wouldn't wake up. I felt quilty that my lack of ability to sleep while I felt uneasy this meant that he had to wake up earlier than usual.

I kissed his soft cheek, brushing his golden hair out of his eyes. He didn't move at all, breathing deeply, his eyelids remaining shut. He really was tired. Yesterday was a long day. The moment we got back to the pack house, we retreated to bed without seeing anyone.

I was anxious and Luka seemed to know it. He stayed with me to whole night and I was so grateful he didn't leave me alone.

"Raven? You awake?" I asked my wolf, successfully tip-toeing into the bathroom. I closed the door silently behind me and it clicked shut.

"Yes. Good morning," Raven yawned, stretching out.

After humming a greeting in reply, I stopped in front of the large sink, peering into the mirror.

God, I needed to do something about my hair. The dark brown curls were knotted and hanging in awkward places across my forehead and all over. I looked like I had locs. Don't get me wrong, locs were beautiful, but not when they formed like this. How Luka still found me attractive - I had no idea.

My hazel eyes had heavy bags beneath them and my lips were chapped. I wasnt so pale that I looked sick but my brown skin was missing some sort of lovely glow. I looked like a mess. It was because of all the shit I've been dealing with that's weighed me down.

Although this last onslaught of depression wasn't as severe as they'd been over the years, it was obvious that it was quite bad.

When you start neglecting things like your hair, your body, your living space, even your pets, you know that things need to change. God forbid those babies I'd adopted probably hated it here. I hardly played with them.

I sighed. Just start with the basics and pick yourself up again Amari.

"We've got a lot to do today Raven," I informed my wolf as I undressed, peeling Luka's shirt off and yanking down my underwear. I grabbed a wide-toothed comb and my shampoo and conditioner from the cabinate beneath the sink.

Then I started the shower and climbed in once it was steaming nicely. As I let the water fall over my skin, I informed Raven of the plans today.

Communication. Luka keeped stressing how important it was.

"We've got to sort ourselves out first. You know, laundry and such. Then we've got to apologise to Vincent, make Luka breakfast, get the puppies and kittens from Jamison, talk to Nick and mom and then go to the gym because afterwards I'm probrably going to be feeling a bit down. Any objections?"

I dunked my head under the hot spray of the water. It felt so good. Especially when I reached up to scratch at my scalp.

"No objections," Raven agreed quietly. "But m-maybe we should make Vincent breakfast too? I-I feel so bad for him."

"Good idea," I hummed.

Accepting opinions. Check.

I shampooed my hair and then begrudgingly started combing out the huge knots and tangles. It hurt. So bad that I had to grit my teeth. But it had to be done.

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