Chapter 23

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Luka POV

I watched Amari bound away from me towards our room to get his coat. His enthusiasm made a soft smile appear on my lips. He was so fucking adorable, despite his tough nature. Little things like that made my fondness for him bloom.

The way his curls bounced around his forehead when he moved. The way his hazel eyes got bright when he was passionate about something. The odd occasion when he was relaxed enough to giggle. And the way he muzzled my chest or neck when we hugged. Little traits like that just made me love him even more than I already did. So cute.

I made sure he reached the room safely- even though it was only down the corridor and made off for dad's office in search of the headstone I'd promised my mate. It had cost a couple thousand dollars but it was worth it - as long as Amari was happy, I'd blow thousands on him in an instant.

I was hopeful that this memorial would be a final way to settle the turmoil in his heart and bring him peace of mind. Of course he'd always miss his mother. Fuck, my own mother had been gone longer than ten years and I missed her occasionally. However, it was evident that I was nowhere near as close with my own mother as Amari was with his.

It was obvious that the woman was Amari's entire galaxy when he was younger. There was a tinge of jealousy I had absolutely no right to feel whenever he spoke about her. The wolf was dead and I was respectful when need be. But... I was jealous that he hadn't let go of her to rely on me. Maybe it was the fact that mates and parents had different types of relationships in general with a person. But when Amari was sad and thinking about her - I wanted him to be happy because he was with me.

Maybe that was selfish - who knows. But I'd never told Amari how I felt. Instead I opted to letting him cry and comforting him when he desperately needed it. Maybe it was also a bit too optimistic to think that all of his problems would all of a sudden disappear because he had a headstone for her. All of his psychological problems did stem from her death in the first place. But I hoped Amari would find it easier to let go of the past after this.

I realised I probably should've mind linked dad beforehand - he could be anywhere in this damn large pack house but it was too late for that as I knocked briefly on his office door and pushed it open.

Unfamiliar scents hit me at the same time the unfamiliar presence inside the room registered. All three people inside the room turned to face me - one of which looked way too guiltily for me to walk away.

One was confused. The other face almost knocked me off my feet. I'd know my mate's face anywhere. Amari's cute, wide button nose, his full cheeks, his plump lips, his hazel eyes and his toffee toned skin.

The person I was staring at wasn't my mate but she damn well could've been. Confusion overwhelmed me and then this feeling of dread started to bubble up and take over.

I slammed the door shut behind me, stepping into the room, my eyes trained in on dad who looked like a deer caught in headlights. "Explain," I spat out, crossing my arms over my chest.

You've got to be fucking kidding me. This couldn't be happening.

Nick sank down in his chair, pressing his forehead to the palm of his hand. The woman who I was choosing to ignore for the moment, looked confused, devastated and equally helpless.

"Its complicated," Dad spoke quietly. "You weren't supposed to be here."

"The fuck I was wasn't meant to be here!" I snarled, feeling anger well up inside me. "This is my fucking pack. I didnt know there were little secret meetings going on with dead people!"

I glared at the woman and her grip tightened on the little girl hugging her legs. "Explain, I won't ask again."

"This is Joana, Amari's mom," Nick looked up and spoke.

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