Chapter 15

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A/N: Heat Pt2 🤗👏👏
Warning - sexual scenes (wbk from last chapter)

Happy Sunday! 💜🌄

Amari POV

I timidly gripped Luka's cock in my fingers, running my fingertips up and down his thick shaft, feeling the veins there.

I'd never touched someone else's cock before. This was a first and admittedly, I was feeling very intimidated. But even with those feelings, there was also the burning lust that made my muscles ache as I touched my mate.

The large giant stood before me like an adonis, his hard muscles twitching, head titled slightly back as he groaned. It was a good groan, right? It meant I did something good, right?

My cheeks reddened with embarrassment and I fought the urge to drop my hands and hide. He'd probrably received better hand jobs in his life time. I didn't compare to Luka's past sexual hookups. Newbies always sucked.

I swallowed back my insecurities hard, pumping his thick shaft. My fingers didn't even touch when I wrapped them around his girth. Luka's cock was long and thick and so very hard. It made me squirm with lust, just the feel of him.

My backside clenched and became increasingly wet, as if a signal had been set off and it was expecting Luka to put himself inside me. The thought made me shiver.

I pressed my thighs together to try and squash the tingles running through my cock and inside my ass. But they wouldn't go away.

"You okay sweetheart?" Luka cupped my face, moving his hips back to retreat his cock, but I gripped hin tighter, not wanting him to go.

"I-I'm fine, I just... don't know what I'm doing," I admitted. He grinned, that sexy, alluring, cocky grin that both annoyed me greatly and made me want to melt in front of his handsome being.

Instead of speaking, Luka helped me up. We swapped places. He sat on the bed and spread his muscular thighs, pulling me down on my knees between them. Confused, I peered up at him through my lashes. He only gave me a reassuring wink before grabbing my right hand.

"When I'm inside you," he started to explain, wrapping our hands around his cock again. "It's like a really tight, really wet tunnel. I'll move in and out of you like this-" he held out hands still and thrust up into our grip. "It creates friction that'll be really fucking pleasurable to you and me. Try to recreate that by using your hand."

I marvelled at his explination, watching the tip of his cock, which was leaking cum as he thrust into our hands. It wasn't that I'd never seen anyone have sex before. Forget pornhub, when it was adults night at the pack, everyone was going at it in public as long as the pups were locked away in bed.

But there was a difference between watching it, having it explained to you and actually experiencing it yourself.

"Will it hurt?" I asked, laying my free hand on his thigh and stroking the skin there. "When you do fuck me, I mean?"

"At first yes. I'm not going to sugar coat it babe. You're a virgin and my dick isn't exactly small. At first it'll hurt. But if you can get through that pain, then I'll have you cumming on my dick."

I blushed hard and he laughed, cupping my face and caressing my lips. "It's natural baby, don't be shy."

"I can't help it," I muttered, closing my eyes and pressing into his touch. "It's a big step."

"It's is," Luka easily agreed. "You'll be giving yourself to another person. It's not something you should take lightly baby."

I nodded, dropping my attention back down to his cock. Instead of thrusting, Luka stroked his cock with our hands, much like he'd done to my own in the shower. A little more confident, I gripped him harder and stroked a lot firmer.

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