Chapter 14

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A/N: Sorry I missed Sunday! I had family over so I had no time to write. 🙏

Warning: This chapter contains sexual scenes...

Enjoy 🙄😈

Amari POV

I sat cross legged on the bed, warily watching Jamison who sipped on his hot chocolate with seemingly lost and fragile eyes. Tiana lay curled up in his lap and he softly petted the purring kitten with trembling fingers.

He hadn't spoken yet, and I allowed him time to calm down while I thought up sensible answers to anything he might say. I was taking Luka's advice seriously. Don't give advice if you're not sure. Just listen.

Raven was being very helpful and I was glad he was here since I would've probrably freaked out otherwise. I'd never been good at comforting people. Mainly because I never had anyone to comfort in the first place.

Jamison looked up, blinking his glossy brown eyes. "S-Sorry," he apologised. "I didn't mean to start crying."

"Don't apologise. Crying is good. If you don't cry once in a while, you'll explode and we don't need any explosions right?" I smiled and he nodded with a small grin.

"So, what's up? You can just start slow. Tell me what you feel comfortable saying. You don't have to go into every detail," I hummed. I hated talking about what was bothering me. My outburst with Luka was evidence to what happens when you don't talk. But I always found it hard to physically speak and get the words out. It was better to start small and comfortable I thought.

"Well," Jamison sighed and placed his mug down. "I don't know if you know but my mom is really sick. Eugene's been helping her a lot with medicine and feeling better. Sometimes, I just feel really sad," he trailed off, biting his lip as tears sprung to his eyes once again.

"Poor pup," Raven sniffled. He was already melting for the boy.

"She told me that she might die and I really don't want that to happen. I've been... quite mean to her and papa because I'm scared of what will happen if she does pass," he sniffled, wiping his red nose with the back of his hand. "I feel awful."

I nodded slowly, thinking quickly. It was really devestating loosing someone close to you. I knew first hand. I thought about the pain I'd endured after mom died. The burn in your heart that came from missing someone you'd never get back.

Jamison's situation sort of reminded me of Nick. I hadn't been the nicest towards him either, too caught up in my own pain to thank or appreciate my adoptive father. Now that I had Luka and he was forcing me out of my bubble of pain and hurt, I realised how guilty I felt about it.

One thing I needed to do was apologise and make it up to him. That's what Jamison should probrably do too. Apologise and make up with his parents for being distant with them.

"You love your mom a lot right?" I asked gently. 

"So much," he nodded, wiping his teary eyes. "I'd do anything for her and papa."

I smiled. "Sometimes, when we're hurting ourselves, we tend to take it out on other people. Everyone does it, not only you Jamison. That won't stop you from feeling guilty for acting cold towards them. But, first, I'd apologise and explain to them why you felt distant. Tell your mom that you're struggling too-"

"I don't want her to worry about me," he bit his lip, shaking his blonde head.

"Jamison, you're like fourteen. Your mom's always worrying about you regardless. Because you're her son and that's what mom's do," I told him surely.

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