Chapter 19

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Amari POV

"Amari? Wasn't expecting you," Eugene's face lit up after he opened the door. Noise rang out from behind him, the sound of two squealing little girls and a very masculine growl.

"I'm so sorry to bother you," I cringed, knowing I'd probrably interrupted family time or something like that. "I kinda need your help."

It was a last minute decision after going through my scarce wardrobe ten times looking for something decent to wear for tonight. All I came across were sweat pants, hoodies, t-shirts, jeans and more sweats. Nothing suitable for a date at all. I was mildly stressed.

I wanted to look good, but this was way beyond my comfort zone. Don't get me wrong, Luka wasn't having his wish of me wearing something extreme but I didn't want to look dressed down either.

"Help? Are you hurt?" Eugene widened the gap in the door and invited me inside his room.

Ray was sat in the open, half living, half bedroom area. The larger enforcer was cross legged on the carpet, attempting to watch the football on a large, flat screen TV while his pups giggled and climbed all over him, putting butterfly clips in his short, afro hair.

"Hey," he greeted me with a small wave and I couldn't help but laugh.

Their pups were of mixed race, like myself, with dark skin and long, brown ringlets for hair. Isla was taller than her sister, she was five years old and Bella was shorter at three years old. They were both adorably cute and looked so much like Eugene, it was freaky.

The girls used their father like a climbing frame as they attempted to pretty him up with their hair supplies. Eugene watched them with heart eyes, throwing his own long, straight brown hair up in a high pony tail and turning to me. "The injury?"

"Oh, I'm not hurt," I shook my head at the misunderstanding. "I need some help finding something to wear? Luka is taking me out on a date. I was hoping to borrow some clothes. I promise I won't dirty them."

I looked at him hopefully. Now that I'd lost all of my excess muscle weight, we were similar in size and height. I just wanted to borrow something for the night and give it back.

Eugene's face split into a grin. He grabbed my hand, pulling me over to his closet. "A date? I have so many clothes for you to wear. For God's sake Amari, you should've told me this morning so I could look though all the options. What time are you leaving?"

"Like an hour?" I sat when he pointed at his bed.

"An hour?!" He screwed up his face. "Geez, I'll have to be quick then."

He threw open the sliding doors and started rifling through the hangers. I noticed that he had a lot of clothes. Some with name tags still on, indicating he'd bought and hadn't worn.

"What kinda look do you want? A lot of the stuff I have is sexy bad boy. That's not really you though," he bit his lip, humming in thought.

I just watched him without saying anything. I didn't have the first clue. I'd never cared about my appearance much until I mated Luka. Whether that was a good thing or a bad thing, I wasn't sure. All I knew was that I didn't want to dissapoint him.

"He calls me cute if that helps?" I shrugged. "Don't make me wear pink though." I had to throw in the warning. I despised the colour. Real men wear pink my ass. Real women shouldn't wear pink either.

"I can do sexy cute," Eugene chuckled, his hands moving more frantically with his excitement.

Isla seemed to grow bored of playing hair dresser's with her sister. She toddled away from Ray and climbed up on the bed, crawling curiously closer to me before sitting beside me on the bed.

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