Chapter 34

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A/N: I'm back! Double update, yay! Make sure you read Chapter 33 before this one! Its exta long to make up for yesterday's short one!

Warning: Lots of sexy business 🤭


Amari POV

I woke up feeling hot and bothered. I was practically smothered on top of Luka, blankets pulled up around us, right up to my chin.

My head lay over his collar bone, our torsos smooshed together, my legs on either side of his. When I peeked up, I saw that he was still sleeping. He looked so sexy when he slept with his pink lips slightly parted, his golden hair falling across his face, his dark lashes fanning against his cheek.

I didn't know what the time was, but it was probably early. I had a tendency to wake up earlier than necessary when there was something on my mind. I was tempted to snuggle closer to Luka and attempt to go back to sleep but I knew I wouldn't be able to sleep again.

So, I attempted to wiggle free. This house had a garden. A really nice garden judging from glimpses I'd gotten through the windows. Maybe a cup of tea and some fresh air was what I needed to recover from choppy sleep.

But as I wiggled, Luka's arms tightened around me. His reflexes seemed to be working perfectly, even in sleep. I forced down a laugh which probably would have come out wheezed since he was crushing my ribs.

He rolled over, taking me with him and threw his big leg over my waist, tugging me tightly against him like I were his teddy bear. "Why are you awake?" He groaned, voice hoarse from sleep.

"Because..." I whispered. "I just am. Can I get up?" 

"No. What's the time?" Luka mumbled, pressing his face against my hair.

"I don't know?"

"Fuck off o'clock. Go back to sleep."

"Luka," I whined, wiggling harder against him. "Let me up!"

"Are you planning on taking care of my morning wood?"


"Then go to sleep. Stop talking bubbles." 

I sighed, going still against him. I guess that cup of tea and fresh air would have to wait. I allowed my clingy mate to hold me while he slept. It wasn't even that bad - I loved cuddling with Luka. But it was very boring.

About an hour or two passed before he started moving again. The huge male stretched out over the bed with a loud yawn before peeking one eye open. "Why?"

"Why what?"

"Why do you always wake up so early?" He asked, running his fingers through my knotted curls. I needed to sort my hair out. I'd been neglecting self care for a while.

"Routine I guess," I shrugged, puckering my lips when he leant in for a kiss. It was soft and tender and I melted against him with a sigh.

"Change your routine," he muttered.

"Gee, yeah sure I'll just tell my brain to choose a different time to wake up," I rolled my eyes and he snorted a laugh.

"What's the plan today bubbles? It's our last day alone," he asked, sitting up and taking me with him. I sat comfortably in his lap, laying my head on his shoulder and bunching up to fight off the cold. It was freezing now that we were out from under the sheets.

"Well, Raven wants to spend some time with Izaak this morning - after my cup of tea in the garden though. Then maybe we can go out? Look around the town a bit?" I asked softly.

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