Chapter 21

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A/N: Hey guys! It's been forever. Life has been so busy and stressful and chaotic in the real world that I needed a break. I also needed to catch up on updating my other book too. But I'm back now, so enjoy this chapter 👍😘💕

Luka POV

I left Jamison and Amari cuddled together in bed. Jamison had been waking up at random moments in the middle of the night, crying and confused. After a few moments of comfort, he'd fall asleep into a restless slumber, twisting and turning and whimpering.

It was heartbreaking to see. But this was life. People died, people got sick, it happened. He was grieving and I felt for him, hoping that he'd he able to move on, but it was going to be tough.

Technically, the pup had school today. Obviously, he wasn't attending. That meant that today was a good opportunity to get a lot of things done, including a burial for his parents. The other pups were at school and the adults were free to get everything ready.

I walked into my office, greeting dad who stood at the entrance. "Morning," I sighed, rubbing at my jaw. It had been a long night.

"Morning," he hugged me briefly and I slumped into my chair. "Is Jamison alright?"

"As good as it gets," I sighed. "Paperwork?"

"Yep," he sat closer to me, showing me the documents that needed filling in regarding the couple's death. I scanned them over. This wasn't the first time I'd filled out one of these since I'd taken over as alpha.

It was mandatory when wolves inside the pack died. Not only to keep death records but also to assure the council that there was no misconduct going on. Like proving a valid reason for death.

"If the caskets arrive before noon, we can do a burial by late afternoon. That way the bodies don't need to be kept any longer than necessary. Jamison can say his goodbyes while everything's still raw and we don't have to traumatise him all over again," dad laid out the plan and I nodded in agreement.

"Jamison is under sixteen, he needs someone to take legal parental responsibility over him. We could do it as a whole pack effort, but I doubt that would be efficient. There's too many of us. He needs a permanent carer. Do you have any suggestions?" I asked, scribbling quickly over the pages.

"There are many wolves in the pack old enough to take him in. It's just whether or not someone would want to permanently take up responsibility of someone else's child. I'll ask around. But talk to Jamison first and ask who he's most comfortable with. We can't force him onto another family if he's unwilling," dad stroked his long beard in thought.

This was true. The only problem is that Jamison would probrably choose Amari as his next guardian. I cared for the pup, as I did for every pup in my pack. But I wasn't ready to parent a child yet. Let alone a teen only seven years younger than myself.

Amari and I had only been mated for a little over two months now. He'd only just started accepting his omega wolf and we'd been doing well so far. I wasn't sure how looking after Jamison would change things. For me, it seemed like the wrong time to make this sort of decision.

Jamison needed parents, not older brothers taking care of him. Another couple in the pack would serve better than Amari and I. Of course I had to talk to Amari about it first - I just hoped he'd see my reasoning.

"I'll talk to them both," I hummed, closing the document and placing my pen down. "I need two or more wolves digging up the ground in the burial site. Have the caskets been ordered?"

"Last night," Nick confirmed. "I'll ask for flowers to be arranged and we'll set up a short service at noon. All you need to do is get these papers to Eugene and send them off."

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