Chapter 24

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Amari POV

I think I found Yeri.

The pantry door was open, light shining out of the crack it made and I caught sight of movement inside. I edged forward quietly, not wanting to startle her.

Eugene had run off back to Nick so he could find out more information about Yeri, since no one actually knew who they were looking for. I was the worst person to ask about names and faces. I didn't have a clue. There were nearly four hundred people in this pack. Yeri could be anyone's daughter. 

I gave the door a soft knock, pushing it open. The girl froze. She looked up with wide green, no hazel eyes. Her little pink mouth parted in fear and she shuffled back from the door.

She was adorably cute, maybe five or six in age. Her curly hair was dark brown with little streaks of bronze. She wore a tattered dress that was a little too big, with one too many holes to be warm in the cold. Her little dolly shoes were missing bows and her odd socks were at different lengths on her legs.

Luka needs to do a child support investigation on her parents - was my first thought. We weren't exactly a poor pack - quite wealthy actually. So why hadn't her parents bothered to dress her correctly? What assholes.

Yeri's frightened whimper brought me back to the present. I instantly crouched down after entering the pantry, not wanting to intimidate her with my height. "Hey beautiful, a lot of people have been looking for you," I cooed softly. "Were'd you go?"

She bit her lip, unsure, her eyes darting all over as she scuffed her already worn shoes against the floor.

"Its okay, you're not in trouble. Is your mommy or daddy nearby?"

"I was looking for my mommy," she whispered, wiping her teary eyes with the back of her hand. "I was scared so I hid. S-sorry."

"Dont apologise. We all get lost and scared sometimes," I smiled. "My name is Amari. What's your name?" I knew her name, but I wanted her to feel comfortable in speaking to me.

"Yeri," she whispered.

"Cool name. I haven't met any Yeri's before. It's nice to meet you," I complimented and I watched a blush spread across her cheeks.

"Thank you," she sniffed. So cute.

"You're very welcome. Since it's been so nice meeting you, would you like to choose a snack to bring with you while we go and find your mommy?" I offered, indicating the shelves stacked with food.

Her clothes looked like shit, maybe her parents hadn't been feeding her either. Who knew?

Yeri's eyes widened. "Really? I won't be in trouble?"

"Not at all. Anything you want," I stood slowly, scanning the shelves. "Do you like cake bars Yeri?"

"I do. But only on special occasions," she told me quietly, shuffling forward a little towards me.

She spoke well for a five year old. It was refreshing. I felt like I was having a conversation with a very intelligent little girl.

"Today's a special occasion shall we say. Because we met each other. Making friends is quite special in my opinion," I smiled, handing her an angel cake bar.

She took it, her eyes practically lighting up. "Thank you."

"You're welcome. So what do you say, friends?" I asked, holding out my pinkie for her.

She giggled, blushing as she held out her tiny one and linked it with mine. "Friends."

"Awesome," I smiled and she allowed me to lift her onto my hip so I could find her parents at a faster pace then walking with her little legs trailing behind me. She ate her cake bar softly while we walked.

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