Chapter 30

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Luka POV

I stared at Amari's sleeping form, my jaw clenched tight. The longer I stared, the more my anger began to seep through my veins once again.

He was curled up on the bed, sleeping softly as though he hadn't caused a shit tone of drama today. I wanted to straighten him out on the bed, rip the covers away from his body and smack his behind until he apologised for almost giving me a fucking heart attack.

Just thinking about Vincent punching my mate had a low rumble of rage bubbling up my throat. I couldn't fucking deal with it. Amari was mine and seeing someone else hurt him like that made me livid.

Only I was allowed to bruise him with hickies. Only I was allowed to make him cry in pleasurable pain. Only me.

It was in my every nature to protect Amari from threats and keep him safe from harm. How could I do that when he thought it was okay to initiate fights with people?

I didn't want to be labelled the bad guy. I didnt want to scare him or upset him by telling him off. But at the same time, I couldn't allow him to think that this was okay at all.

Sometimes, it was like Amari was blind. He only saw that bad his brain wanted him to see. He thought he was lonely yet I was right here beside him. He thought no one was on his side, yet I was willing to defend him until I died. Amari needed to 'let his feelings out' and I was right here to listen to them. Yet he's obviously decided that getting beaten up is better than talking to me, his mate, and letting me know that he was having a hard time.

Was I suddenly not good enough for him now? After all that talk a few days ago about needing me and not wanting me to leave him, he couldn't trust that I could help him when he needed me?

Don't get me wrong, I wasn't undermining Amari's ability to protect himself, nor his love for sparring as a physical outlet. But he wasn't allowed to fight which was a lot different from sparring. Vincent was hardly a rogue who needed killing. He was a packmate like Amari. Yet the way they were fighting was as though they were two strangers in a brawl with the intent of killing each other. It went ridiculously too far and as beta, Amari should've known that.

A soft knock on the bedroom door broke me out of my dark thoughts. I walked over and opened it, revealing Eugene who looked at me warily when he caught my scowl. "Is it safe to enter?" He asked, holding up the med-kit he held in his hands 

I stepped aside and let him in, closing the door behind him. The healer rushed over to the bed with a gasp when he caught sight of Amari's swollen face. It had gone down considerably since the fight happened - his accelerated healing was working nicely. But everything was still colourfully bruised and sore. As upset as I was, I needed Eugene to make sure my mate was okay.

"Now I know why you broke Vincent's jaw! Fuck alpha, you shouldn't of let him sleep with his eye like that, he could have a concussion," Eugene whisper yelled at me. I didn't reply, merely crossed my arms over my chest with an irritated growl.

It wasn't like I could stop Amari. He wasn't talking to me and refused to let me touch him too. As if I was the one in the wrong.

Eugene pulled open his bag, grabbing gauze and antiseptic spray to clean the open cuts on the healing wounds on Amari's face.

Amari winced and a soft whine left his parted lips. I couldn't stop the vulnerable sound from jabbing at my heart. I instinctively clenched my fists. My mate stirred and blinked opened tired, hazel eyes in confusion. "Eugene?" He mumbled.

"Amari," Eugene sighed with a small chuckle. "Just like old times huh?"

Amari didnt smile, in fact, he looked on the verge of tears as Eugene helped him up into a sitting position. The urge to shove Eugene out of the way and hold Amari in my arms was overwhelming. I held back, my muscles tense. Only because I was still pissed off and I didn't want him to think that I was easy to push over every time he cried.

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