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How did you discover Wattpad?

I discovered wattpad purely on my own, I was bored one day and wanted to read something and along came wattpad.

How long have you had Wattpad, and how often do you use it?

I have had wattpad for over a year now. I use it quite a lot, mainly after school and at the weekends.

Is there a meaning behind your username?

Yes. I really like a group called the four seasons (yes I am an old soul trapped inside a young body), and it is based off one of my favourite songs called silhouettes.

Why did you start writing? What age did you discover your love for it?

I started writing when I was really young. I wrote mainly sci-fi and fantasy stories. I found my love for it when I started writing on here. Wattpad gives me a confidence boost to write because over people may enjoy my writing.

Who are you favourite authors? What are your favourite books? What is your favourite genre?

On wattpad my favourite author is Molly Night, her writing is just amazing! Outside wattpad it is Philippa Gregory who writes historical novels. Some of my favourite books are, The White Queen, The Kingmaker's Daughter and You're the one that I want. My favourite genre is historical fiction, romance and teen fiction.

Do you want a career in writing?

Maybe. I don't really know what I want to do when I am older but one career path that I have been looking at is becoming an author, I just think it would be really cool to write my own novel and for others to read it.

Who supports you the most in your writing?

I would like to say someone but If I am honest know one really does. My family don't really know that I go on Wattpad and neither do my friends. I guess you could say I support myself if that counts.


Choose one of your books:

What is your book called? What genre is it? What is it about ?

My book is called Hood, it is a fanfiction and is also a mystery/thriller. To sum it up in a few words it is about a detective who is sent on a mission, meets a man known as the modern day Robin Hood and her life is put in danger.

What inspired you to write it?

I was reading some stories on wattpad and they were basically all the same. Most stories on here, discarding a few, have a lot of cliches. I wanted to write something different and put my own twist on a classic tale. That is what inspired me to write it.

How often do you update? When was it last updated?

I try my best to update but because I have a ton of homework thrown at me every week I find it hard to find time. I normally update on a weekend if I have no homework to do. The last time I updated was last Sunday.

How long are your chapters? Do you think short or long chapters are better?

My chapters range from 2-3 pages and I don't think that is short. Personally I don't care if chapters are short or long, as long as the story is brilliant and well written I don't mind if it is only a page long.

Are you proud of how well your book has done? Are you happy with the amount of reads it has?

I am extremely proud of how well my book has done so far, as it is my first proper story. I am happy with the amount of reads it has, I never thought my writing was any good.

Do you have any advice for new authors?

I think if you write and read a lot you will become a better writer. Find time to write anywhere you go, even if you are on a train jot some ideas down it will benefit you and make you become a better writer.

Oh my god. I love the whole concept of her book. It's like 21st century fanfic mixed with historical fiction and it's SO DAMN COOL! I love it.

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