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How did you discover Wattpad?

Through a friend.

How long have you had Wattpad, and how often do you use it?

Is there a meaning behind your username?

Yes, Ishimura means round stone which kind of reminded me of myself and Ayu means walk and mu means dream which is like walking a dream.

Why did you start writing? What age did you discover your love for it?

It was because of an animation movie called whisper of the heart where the main character is just like me, she didn’t know what she want to do for the future and because her boyfriend was trying his best to fulfill his dream, she felt left behind and write a novel to test herself. 15 years old.

Who are you favourite authors? What are your favourite books? (Books on Wattpad count too!) What is your favourite genre?

Historical romance.

Do you want a career in writing?

If I could, I would love to.

Who supports you the most in your writing?

My best friend.


Choose one of your books:

What is your book called? What genre is it? What is it about (2/3 lines)?

Emma’s Nest. Fantasy. It’s about a bird who was lonely and she gained friends.

What inspired you to write it?

My own experience.

How often do you update? When was it last updated?

It is a short story and I uploaded it about 5 months ago.

How long are your chapters? Do you think short or long chapters are better?

1 Chapter. As I have never tried writing a long chapters before, I can’t say.

Are you proud of how well your book has done? Are you happy with the amount of reads it has?

I was proud that I managed to write that book, it meant a lot to me. Honestly, there’s really very few reads, but I am fine with it I guess?

Do you have any advice for new authors?

There will be times when it gets harder to write, but still even if you don’t feel like writing, just write.

Her one shot is great, it has a really creative storyline which I haven't seen on Wattpad before. I think it's great and you should all check it out!

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