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How did you discover Wattpad?

I can't honestly remember how I discovered Wattpad. Probably by googling. I've had an account for reading for a few years, but I only started posting stories a couple of months ago. I've been writing offline for the past couple of years. I'm on Wattpad most days at the moment.

Is there a a meaning behind your username?

Of course ;)

Why did you start writing?

I started writing after struggling to find a good book to read on Amazon. I got bored of reading about female characters who were all the same. I wanted to read about a girl who didn't take sh*t from anyone and had enough flaws to be interesting. And I wanted action and romance in the same book. I couldn't find the character I wanted to read about, so I started writing the stories myself. I'm on number seven now, although only one of them is posted on Wattpad so far.

What age did you discover your love for it?

I started writing quite late in life. I spent far too many years working first.

Who are your favourite authors?

My favourite authors off Wattpad are Jeffery Deaver and John Sandford for thrillers; Kristen Ashley and Kate McArthur for romance.

On Wattpad, I like @blondeanddangerous and @mishlrodriguez best so far.

Do you want a career in writing?

I'd love a career in writing. It would be great to live in a world inhabited by me and my characters. I doubt it would ever pay as much as my day job though!

Who supports you the most in your writing?

Nobody in my real life knows that I write, so my only support comes from people on the internet who I've never met. I appreciate each and every one of them.


Choose one of your books:

What is your book called? What genre is it? What is it about (2/3 lines)?

The first book I've written is called Pitch Black. It's about a girl called Ash who isn't what she seems. She's just lost her husband and runs to the other side of the world to get away from the person who killed him. She meets a man who helps her get her life back on track, then the whole house of cards that she's carefully built falls down around her.

What inspired you to write it?

It's romance crossed with a thriller. A bit of a mongrel really.

How often do you update? When was it last updated?

At the moment I'm updating twice a week, on Wednesdays and Saturdays. I've got the next five books written, so if people like Pitch Black, I'll just keep putting up more stories.

How long are your chapters? Do you think short or long chapters are better?

I try to keep the chapters around 1,500 - 3,000 words, although there are some a bit longer or shorter. It depends on the content. Originally I had fewer, longer chapters, but those don't seem to go down so well on Wattpad.

Are you proud of how well your book has done? Are you happy with the amount of reads it has?

I'm quite pleased with how it's done so far. I'd love more reads, who wouldn't? But the feedback I've had has been good, and it won the Wattpad4 contest, which was a nice surprise.

Advice for new authors...

Other than the old chestnut of 'just write', I would say it's important to learn as much about your subject as you can. It's really obvious when somebody writes about a place or situation they haven't had personal experience of without doing the proper research.

Wow. Her books are amazing and really well written. I'm hardly surprised that she is in the Wattpad rankings. I really like her books and suggest that you check them out!

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