Chapter 13 (Noah)

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I step into the NBU gym with Zach and look around. I'm not exactly thrilled about being here, but he agreed to come for a run around the park with me (which was completely unsuccessful, he barely ran at all, it was more of a walk) so I agreed to come to the gym with him. I don't usually work out as such, I just like running. This is fine though, I can stick to a treadmill. I prefer running outdoors, but whatever. Zach wanted to do weights (to try and release some of his frustration I suspect), and Will's joining us too. Bonding time with the boys at least.

"You been in here before?" Zach asks as he fills his water bottle from the cooler. 

"Nope." I reply, just as Will walks through the door. 

"Sup, bitches?" Will greets us in his usual manner. "I've just done 40 lengths in the pool, I'm a little beat."

"Good for you." Zach replies. "We've just ran around the park, so we're beat too."

"We did not." I reply bitterly. "You can't run for shit, we walked mostly."

Will laughs at Zach as he rolls his eyes at me. 

"Maybe I would have been able to concentrate better if we hadn't bumped into Kim twice." He spits back at me. 

"And that's my fault?" I shoot back at him. I can't help who we bump into. It's a fucking public park. 

"No, but if we'd just came here in the first place like I wanted to, we wouldn't have seen her." Zach says. He's practically sulking. 

"Dude, have you tried to talk to her at all? You know, since..." Will asks him carefully. 

"No, I haven't." Zach mumbles, fidgeting with his water bottle. "She said she never wants to talk to me again, so." He shrugs his shoulders. 

"Girls say shit like that, but they don't mean it." Will says, frowning at Zach. "Are you a fucking moron? Of course she wants to hear from you!" 

"She doesn't. You didn't see the way she looked at me earlier." Zach says, his voice small. It's true, she did not look at all happy to see him. 

"Right, but I mean, have you even apologised to her for what happened at the dance?" Will asks, widening his eyes at Zach. Zach shakes his head. "For fuck sake, man! An apology would be a good fucking start! Seriously, I cannot count the amount of times I've apologised to Maddie over the years, and look at us now, happy campers." 

"That's different." Zach murmurs. 

"It isn't, though." Will goes on. "I did a lot of shitty things to Maddie, and she's forgiven me for all of it. You know why? Because if it's meant to be, it'll be. You've never cared about a girl the way you care about Kim, and you obviously mean a lot to her too. If it's meant to be, it'll be. Talk to her. An apology would be a good fucking place to start, bro." 

Will claps Zach on the back before heading off towards a rowing machine. I clock the treadmills and make my way over to one, unwilling to continue this chat with Zach. We came here to exercise, so that's what we'll do. Enough deep conversation for now.

Because, honestly, I don't wanna hear it. Zach has done nothing but whine and bitch about this thing with Kim since Saturday night, and I've already told him today that I don't wanna hear any more about her. Reason number 1; I don't give a fuck. He got himself into this situation with her, he can sort it out himself. I talked to her at the Halloween Dance and tried to straighten it out with her, and she was nothing but rude to me. I understood at the time, but now? I'm past caring. Reason number 2; his situation with Kim is hitting a little too close to home for my liking. His potential relationship with Kim was ruined the night of the Halloween Dance, much like my potential...whatever you wanna call it with Jamie. Reminders of this are unwelcome. I'm not thinking about her, I'm not talking about her, and so I will play no part in this shit between Zach and Kim. 

I'm being a dick now, because I'm irritated. I'm irritated because I saw Jamie at the park today. She looked like shit - she was soaked, she had twigs sticking out of her hair, she was a fucking mess. And still, still, the sight of her caused some weird reaction in my body that I can't explain. My pulse quickened, my heart race sped up, and I felt my dick twitch. I was wearing fucking shorts, that could have been a dangerous situation! I do not need to get semi-hard at the sight of wet girls in the park. Not cool! Especially not when that girl is Jamie Hawkins. I can't let her have that effect on me, but I have absolutely no way of controlling it. I hate myself for how I internally reacted to seeing her earlier today, and the moment she turned around and walked away from me, I decided I need to fuck someone tonight. 

Who? Don't know, don't care. I just know it needs to happen. I've had sex with two girls now since I had sex with Jamie, and it's not enough. I need to make my way through as many girls as possible. Meaningless, faceless sex is the only way out of this for me. I know that. It's just gonna take some time. I'm not a machine, I can't hook up every fucking night of the week. I wish I could, though. 

I'll be fine. This is gonna be fine. Once I fuck a few more girls, I'll start to forget how it felt fucking Jamie. How it felt having her shake beneath and call out my name and practically scream when she was climaxing with me inside her, while digging her nails into my shoulder blades... Fuck. I will forget, I will.

I just need to get through more meaningless sex with as much girls as possible. I give it two weeks. Another couple of weeks, and I'll have forgotten all about Jamie fucking Hawkins. 

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