Chapter 43

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Me, 21:11pm: Happy birthday. Sorry I didn't come to the Grill tonight, I've been pretty tired today. I took Benji for a walk on my own at dinner time, I shouldn't have. I emailed our assignment to Professor Griffin too, by the way. It's due in tomorrow, remember? So, no worries about that. Hope you have an awesome night with everyone. See you at the English Lit final, I guess! x

I spend like a full minute glaring at the kiss I just had to put on the end of that message. Fucking stupid, but whatever.

Noah, 21:34pm: Thanks, for the birthday wish and submitting the assignment. I'll see you in class, no?

Damn, he didn't give me kiss back. I regret that now. Oh, well.

Me, 21:35pm: No, I'm out for the rest of the semester. I'll be at finals though.

I thought about it and thought about it, and in the end, I decided to bail on the Grill. I wanted to go, don't get me wrong, I just wasn't sure how it would be. You know, with Noah's birthday celebrations and my jealousy at every other guitarist I'd see up there on stage, and potentially seeing Shaun. I don't know. My gut told me it was too soon, so I went with my gut. And the guys agreed. Instead, we're having a movie night with Steph. She wanted to watch A Cinderella Story, and I absolutely love her. Joel and Jay disappeared through to the kitchen around half way through the film, but Patrick stayed. He always does. I suspect he secretly loves girly movies. I always have.

The following day, and we have officially made it into December. I love this time of year, mainly because I know my dad will be home for the holidays soon, and also because I do enjoy the festive spirit to some extent. I'm not one of those Christmas nuts that runs around singing Mariah Carey and throwing tinsel at people. No, not at all. But I do like how the air is all crisp now, and it's getting darker earlier and it's cold every day and everything just feels cosy and wintery. Symposium do an awesome range of Holiday themed drinks – my favourite is the Toffee Nut Latte (seriously, it's better than Starbucks), and the town square gets turned into a winter wonderland – there's always a variety of food and drink stalls, a Ferris wheel, a snow cone cart, Christmas music playing from the band stand, and even a snow machine (because we don't always get snow in December). There's an ice-skating rink too, and some dude dresses up as Santa and sits in a grotto for the little kids to go sit on his lap and tell him what they want for Christmas. What do I want for Christmas this year? I don't really know. Maybe a new guitar. Nah, there's nothing wrong with the one's I have. Maybe tickets to go see Jimmy Eat World next year. The tickets aren't on sale until February though, so that won't work. Hmm, let me think. Maybe a stable relationship with a decent guy who actually makes me smile every day? That would be awesome.

And you know what else is awesome? I am officially moving back home in a couple days. Don't get me wrong, I have totally enjoyed my time at Lola and Dave's and I appreciate everything they've done for me, but I'm excited to get back home too. I've been constantly surrounded by people lately, so I am looking forward to getting some time alone to myself at last. My arm feels much better too, I can even move it now. The doctor took off my bandages this morning, and my arm was disgusting. All purple and blotchy and swollen. So I have a fresh dressing on now. It's so much more manageable. I can use my left hand again at least. I'm considering attempting to play my acoustic guitar soon, actually. That's my first priority for when I get home. Some alone time (with Benji) in my garage, with a beer and an acoustic guitar, just like old times.

But, of course, when I move back home that is not what happens. Because Patrick drives me home with all my stuff. I had hoped he would just drop me and Benji off then fuck off for a while, but no such luck. He carries pretty much all of my stuff inside for me, then settles himself down in the living room with a shitty instant coffee. Guess he's staying for a while then. And just as Patrick's ass hits the sofa, Jay appears. He hands me a set of car keys and tells me to go look outside. My new car! Extremely exciting. When I get back in, Jay is sitting drinking a coffee with Patrick. Guess he's staying too then. I go to make myself my own coffee (since neither of those assholes bothered offering me one), just as Joel walks in. I sigh internally, and smile externally. Now this, is just like old times.

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