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Cuties. Wyatt looks so soft oml.
⚠️Mentions of suicide⚠️
*1 week later*
"Guys, I tried to commit suicide 2 weeks ago. I didn't want to tell you guys because I didn't want to get treated differently." Stan says. I squeeze his hand and he glances at me. We're all engulfed into a hug, Stan smiling.
"We definitely won't treat you differently but we're gonna check up on you. Especially Bill and I." Bev states. We all could tell Stan was getting uncomfortable so, we stopped talking about it. I kiss Stan's temple.
"I'm proud of you for telling them, Bubba." I whisper into his ear. He cuddles into me, making me smile. Stan's Mom, Andrea walks in.
"I made you guys some chocolate chip cookies, I'll set up the living room so you guys can sleep in there." Andrea states.
"Thank you Andrea!" We all yell, besides Stan as she walks out. We already told her about our relationship, she was super supportive, and so was my parents. We knew if we told Donald, Stan's dad, Stan would end up getting hurt. Stan's Mom knows about Stan's attempt as well.
"Bill, Pumpkin?" I snap out of my day dream and I look at the beautiful boy in front of me.
"Oh, sorry. What is it, Bubba?" I ask.
"We're all going downstairs, the pizza is here." He explains. I stand up and I snake my arms around his waist.
"I love you Stanley Uris." I whisper.
"I love you too, William Denbrough." I lean in and so does Stan, suddenly were cut off by Ben and Mike.
"Okay, that's enough lovebirds." Ben exclaims.
Stan giggles, making my heart melt. I press a quick peck on his lips. We walk downstairs, grab pizza. I grab 2 slices, while Stan grabs one, Stan has slowly began to eat more. I don't care how much he eats, I just care if he eats enough. We sit on the recliner, while everyone else talks. Us keeping to ourselves.
"Let's play truth or dare!"


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