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"Guys, be quiet. Stan's coming home soon!" I yell. Eddie and I planned a surprise party for Stan for his 16th birthday since he didn't want a big party. Suddenly, the door open and the lights turn on.
"Surprise!" We all yell. Stan jumps back surprised, obviously. I run up to Stan, giving him the tightest hug I could.
"Happy birthday, Baby." I whisper, giving him a quick kiss.
"Bill, you did this for me?" Stan asks.
"Of course I did." I state. Stan smiles and I can't help but smile back. I got him all of his favorite snacks and drinks. All of us, eat, talk, and then we get to Stan's presents.
"Open mine first!" Richie yells. We all know that Richie got Stan something inappropriate. Stan opens Richie's present, and it's a box of, condoms.
"RICHIE!" Stan yells.
"For you and Billy Boy." He explains, we both just rolled our eyes. We both wanted to wait until we got engaged until we had sex. Stan opens the rest of his presents, besides mine. Mine obviously was the biggest. Stan opens mine, a hand-crafted bird book, some hoodies, new books, and a new TV for his room.
"Bill, thank you so much!" Stan says, jumping into my arms. Mike and Ben end up setting up the TV before Stan's parents and sister come home.
"Stan, we have one final gift for you." Andrea says. She brings all of downstairs before showing Stan his new car, an 1990 Audi Sudan.
We all wanted to get Stan's mind off of visiting his Dad. A couple hours later, the rest of the Losers go home, leaving Stan and I.
"Bill, lets go on a drive." Stan randomly says. I look up from the comic I was reading, right into his eyes.
"Yeah, lets go." I say. I get my shoes on, we walk into the living room. Stan grabs the keys and we get in the car.
"Where do you want to go, Bubba?

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