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"MOM!" Stan yells, getting up, and hugging Andrea. I smile, Stan's happy.
"I got an apartment, just for us. Bill can come over whenever he wants. I'm sorry that I made you stay with him, Stan. I'm filing divorce against him. We will go and get your stuff from the house and we will go to the apartment. Is that okay?" Andrea asks.
"Yeah, I wanna stay here with Bill tonight." Stan says. He climbs onto cot and smiles at me. He kisses me, making both of our Moms awh.
"Stan, I'll get your stuff. Bill needs you." Both of our Moms leave, leaving us alone.
"Let's watch Ferris Buller's Day Off!" I exclaim.
"Whatever you want, Bubba." Stan says, kissing me for the 200th time. I'm not complaining though.
*6 days later*
"Eddie, Richie!" Stan and I both say. Stan and I are currently cuddling in my room. Eddie and Richie decided to come and visit.
"The rest of the Losers are coming in like 20 minutes. They're bringing food and board games, and movies. This is going to be the best sleepover!" Richie yells. We decided to have our annual sleepover at my house, instead of Stan's because obviously. Eddie hides behind Richie, like we're new people.
"Eds, Baby, what's wrong?" Richie asks. He pulls Eddie onto his lap, Eddie falls asleep right away.
"Now we know why he was being quieter than usual." Stan sasses. The rest of the Losers come about 10 minutes later. We decide to watch Poltergeist because Eddie's asleep, and so is Stan.
"Bill?" Stan hoarsely says.
"What's up, Baby?" I ask.
"I love you." He whispers.
"I love you too." I say, pulling him closer to me.
"Awhhh, you guys are so in love." The rest of the Losers state. Stan turns around kissing me right on the lips. We spend the rest of the night with the Losers. It was one of the best nights I've ever had, it made it better that Stan was there.
"Denbrough, stop going Stanley the Manly heart eyes!" Richie exclaims.
"Oh, shut up, Richie! I'm in love with my boyfriend!" I yell, making Stan blush.
"Guys, stop fighting." Stan squeaks out. Ben, Bev, Mike, and Eddie already fell asleep. Leaving obviously, Richie, Stan, and I awake.
"I'm sorry, Baby." I say, Stan lays his head on my chest.
"Sorry Stan." Richie murmurs. He looks down at Eddie, who's sleeping. Richie soon falls asleep as well. Here I am, just staring at Stan. He starts to shiver, I take off my hoodie, and I hand it to him, leaving me shirtless.
"Thanks, Bill." Stan says, smiling at me. There was a silence, not an awkward one but, an oddly comfortable one.
"Is what you said true? That your in love in me?" Stan asks.
"Of course it is, Stan. I mean who couldn't fall in love with you?" I question. He laughs, melting my heart.
"That fucking laugh, Stanley! I love it so much!" I exclaim. He presses a kiss onto my lips, I start to deepen the kiss. I trail down his neck, leaving a couple hickeys, until someone wakes up.
"Go to sleep, lovebirds."
"Fine, Benjamin." Stan says, laying onto my chest. I'm definitely going to marry this boy.

I love them sm.

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