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I just found this really funny.
10 years ago. My husband tried to commit suicide. I saved him.
That's what's been through my head all day.
"Bill, can I talk to you?" Stan asks.
"What's up, Bubba?" I ask.
"I know it's been 10 years but, I don't want to make a big deal out of it." He explains.
"Okay, I got you flowers. I'm sorry if you don't want them." I explain.
"No, it's okay, Baby. Thank you." He says. Grasping me in a hug. I press a soft kiss to his lips and I hand him the flowers. Daffodils which are his favorite flowers.
"Darling, we need to pick which triplet we want to adopt. Ben, Emily, or Rachel." I state.
(A/N:I'm watching friends while writing this so, yeah.)
"I know but, I feel bad for separating them. We need to go and meet with them today, the foster home director." Stan says.
"I know, let's get ready." I explain.
*3 hours later*
"Mr.Stan, Mr.Bill!" The triplets yell, running down the large staircase. Ben with his dark black hair which is different than Emily and Rachel. Ben has short, black hair, with light skin, and blue eyes. Emily and Rachel both have long blonde hair, with tan skin, and brown eyes.
"How are you, guys?" Stan asks.
"Good. Mr.Stan are you going to adopt us?" Ben asks, shyly. All 3 of their personalities are very different. Ben is super shy but strong, Rachel is outgoing, and athletic (for a 3-year old), and Emily is a girly girl but super smart.
"Maybe. I hope we will have the money for all 3 of you because we don't want to split you two up." I explain.
The rest of the day, Stan and I both play with all of them, and we even take them out for dinner. When we get back to the foster home, we go into the directors office.
"Which one is it going to be guys?" The foster home director, Mr.Geller asks us.
"We can't split them up!" I yell.
"Let's get all three of them."
They have a family.

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