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This is the engagement ring Bill got Stan.
*The Next Day*
"Bill, Stan, can you come to my house? I'm fucking freaking out, I need to talk to you guys!" Richie screams through the phone. Richie is supposed to propose to Eddie today, even though Bill and I both know that he will say yes Richie is still super nervous. Bill and I climb in the car and we speed to Richie's house. Richie opens the door, he is standing there.
"Guys, I'm freaking out! What if he doesn't say yes?!" Richie exclaims.
"Richie, sit down." Bill says. We all sit on the couch.
"Richie, it's Eddie. He has been waiting for this day for 9 years, he will say yes. We can even help you get ready." I explain.
"I guess you guys are right. Can you guys help me? I don't want to mess it up." Richie explains. We all walk upstairs to Richie's old room. Bill and I pick out a nice outfit for him to wear. We end up picking out some khaki pants, a blue shirt, and black dress shoes. Richie gets out of the shower, changes, and Bill straightens some strands of Richie's hair.
"Richie, we got to tell you something." Bill says.
"What is it?" Richie asks.
"Bill and I are getting married. He proposed to me last night!" I exclaim.
"That's great, guys!" Richie yells. An hour later, Bill and I head home while Richie heads to pick up Eddie.
"Bubba, can I tell you something?" I ask.
"Yeah, what is it, Baby?" Bill questions.
"I want to adopt kids when we're older." I state.
"Me too, Stan. After college and when one of us gets a stable job." Bill explains.
"Of course. You're going to be an amazing Dad, Bill Denbrough."

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