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I basically drag Christian and Andrea into Stan's old room.
"I know this is out of nowhere but, I really really love your son. I think he's the most beautiful person ever, I was wondering if I can ask him to marry me?" I ask, silently praying that they'll say yes.
"Of course you can." They both say. I hug them both and I can't stop smiling.
I'm going to ask the love of my life in 3 hours.
"Stan, we should go to the quarry." I suggest.
"Yeah. Lemme get my shoes on." Stan says.
We both get our shoes on, I take Stan's hand in mine, and I feel the ring box in my back pocket. We walk all the way to the quarry.
"Stan, you look freezing. Take my hoodie." I say, handing my hoodie to him.
"Thank you, Baby." He says.
When we get there we sit at the edge of the quarry, hand-in-hand, just staring at the water. I soon stand up and Stan turns towards me. He gets the memo and stands up. I cup his face with my hands.
"Stan, you are the most beautiful, caring, kind, adorable, mentally-strong, hard working, protective, and attractive man I met. I've been in love with you and your beautiful eyes for 8 years now. I was wondering."
I get down on one knee and I pull out a ring, revealing the diamond ring.
"Stanley Donald Uris, can you marry me?" I ask. He jumps up and into my arms.
"Of course I will, Bill." He yells. I slide the finger on his left ring finger and I pull him into a passionate kiss.
"I love you, Stanley Uris." I say.
"I love you too, William Denbrough.
I can't believe I'm going to marry this man.

I'm so tired.

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