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"I-I'm sorry, Bill!" Stan yells when we get home.
"Stan, it's okay. It's Donald's fault." I say, wiping Stan's tears. "He doesn't deserve a perfect son like you." I finish.
"I don't deserve you." Stan mutters, making my heart break more.
"Stan, don't say that. I don't want anyone else besides you. Please, Stan. It hurts me to see you like this, is there ANYTHING I can do to make you feel a little better." I ask.
"Don't leave me, please. I can't lose you." Stan cries.
"I won't, Bubba. I won't ever." I whisper. I pick him up and I set him on our bed. I pull him into my lap, and I look into the shiny, honeycomb colored eyes. My Mom walks in and sits down on the edge of our bed.
"Stan, your Mom found an apartment for you guys. Away from your Dad, it's just two blocks away from here." My Mom says softly. Stan looks up and smiles, a real, genuine smile.
"Really?!" He exclaims.
"Yeah. She just called, she's picking you up on Saturday." My Mom explains.
"2 days." Stan whispers. I kiss Stan's head and I lace our hands together.
"Stanley, promise me when you move that you'll, eat everything on your plate, you'll try to get the thoughts away, you'll go to your therapy sessions, and you'll tell me if anything is wrong."
"I promise, Bill." Stan says. That's all I needed to hear. Stan soon falls asleep and I get up. I walk downstairs and I sit next to my Mom on the island stools.
"Bill, are you happy with Stan?" My Mom asks.
"Of course I am, Mom. He is the most perfect human being ever, he always comforts me, and he loves me back." I state, starting to turn a deep red.
"Just asking, because you guys are 15. I need to know if I should start saving so you can buy Stan an engagement ring." She states.
"I wanna buy my own. He deserves it, he deserves the world."
"Okay, go upstairs and go to sleep. He probably misses you." My Mom says, slyly. I roll my eyes and laugh. I quickly take a shower, change, and I lay down next to Stan.
"No, Dad! Please don't!" Stan yells. I snap up and I shake Stan.
"Stan, wake up!" I quietly yell. He sits up, covered in sweat.
"Same nightmare." Stan whispers.
I hug Stan and I press a long kiss onto Stan's forehead.
"I love you, Stan. Maybe you should talk to Donna about the nightmares." I suggest. Donna is Stan's therapist.
"I love you too, Bill. I'm going to, the only person who stops them is, you." Stan says.
I look at Stan lovingly. His curly locks, his honeycomb eyes, his perfect smile.
"Gosh, you are beautiful Stanley Uris." I whisper, under my breath. Suddenly the door bursts open, there standing Donald Uris.

Bill is the best boyfriend, I wish I had a bf. Lmao.

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