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They're 15 now btw.
"Don't you dare touch him!" I yell, shoving Henry. Usually I would be a coward but this time he went too far, way too far. He made Bill cry.
"What're you gonna do, Flamer?"  Henry sneers.
"Boys, don't argue!" An old lady yells. Henry shoves me one more time before walking off.
"Stan, you didn't have to do that." Bill softly says.
"Yes, I did. He made you cry." I explain. I grab Bill's hand, walking back home to my house. When we get back to my house, I sigh, sitting down on the couch. Bill laying on me.
"Stan, you didn't have to do that."
"YES I DID, BILL!" I yell. Making Bill jump back. Then I realized what I did.
"Bubba, I'm sorry. I didn't mean to yell at you." I say, grabbing Bill. He kisses me and stands up.
"Stan, you know how homecoming is coming up?"
"I was wondering if you wanted to go with me?" Bill whispers.
"Of course I will, Bubba." I yell. I jump into his arms, pressing a hard kiss onto his lips. Which made us fall onto the couch. We both laugh and  my Mon walks in.
"Hey, boys."
Bill and I go to my room, and I shut the door. I kiss Bill, again. Our lips dance together, it felt like it was just us two in the whole world. His tongue pushes on my bottom lip, asking for entrance. I open my mouth wider, our tongues fight for domination. He starts to lift my shirt up, I help him get it over my head. He leaves a trail of hickeys down my neck and chest. I pull away, gasping for air.
"Bill that was amazing." I gasp out.
"Stan, Bill, can you come out here?" My Mom yells, I put my shirt back on, obviously covering up the hickeys. We walk outside and there's a man standing next to my Mom.
"Stan, this is my boyfriend. Christian."

I was gonna do a smut but then I'm like nah bro.

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