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A/N:Georgie died from cancer in this story, not from IT.
Georgie died Bill. I'm sorry.
"Bubba, I'm sorry." Stan whispers, trying not to wake everyone else up. I start to sob. Stan and I just lay there, hugging, and me crying.
"I mean, I knew he was going to because of the cancer but not this soon." I explain.
"I know, Baby. We all did." Stan says, rubbing his back.
"It was only stage 2." I whisper-yell.
"Do you wanna go home?" Andrea asks. I shake my head 'no.'
"It's only going to be worse now. I'll get ignored even more, I wanna stay here with Stan." I choke out. Stan leads my upstairs to his room. As soon as he shuts the door, I sob as loud as I can.
"I didn't even get to see him today! When I did yesterday, he was perfectly energetic. Why did it have to be him?" I say.
"Cancer doesn't care who it kills." Stan says.
After a while of me just crying, Stan kisses the top of my head.
"You gave him the best life Bill. You always played with him, made him stuff, and even didn't hang out with the Losers to hang out with him. He really looked up to you, Bill. I know he did. Baby, I'll stay here as long as you need me. I don't care if my Dad comes in, or whatever happens. I'm staying with you."
"Thank you, Stan. Let's sleep now."
He turns off the light and pulls me close to him.
"I love you Stan."
"I love you too."

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