Part 1 - Virgil

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I awoke from my light sleep fairly quickly as the voice from my nightmare faded. I jolted upwards, now sitting on my bed panting and sweating. I clutched my chest to try to calm my thumping heart rate but I was doing very little. My body couldn't move, I felt heavier than I ever have before. The heat was rising. The room was spinning. My brain was slowly shutting down, I did the only thing I could think of. The only thing that I knew that would the pain go away.

"R-Roman!" I called out with a dry throat. I started coughing immediately afterward. It hurt. I now began pounding my chest with the palm of my hand but everything I seemed to do only made things worse.

When the door swung open and I saw three blob-like figures coming towards me, I knew I was okay. The light from the hallway blinded me but I was almost to sick to care. I felt the bed sink in a little bit as Roman sat next to me and I leaned into him, still trying to get over my coughing fit. He patted my back and hugged me tightly while Patton was trying to make me feel better by telling my words of encouragement and love. I think...

I could see Patton's mouth moving, but I couldn't hear the words come out. Either my coughing was too loud or my hearing was fading in and out. My coughs slowly got softer and softer until I could hear Patton again. "-u're doing great, Virgil!" I weakly smiled and hugged Roman back. He placed a gentle kiss on my forehead, looking into my eyes with a godly smile. What did I do to deserve him?

"You feeling better, emo nightmare?" He asked. I giggled at the nickname, brushing my bangs out of my face, nodding. Logan rubbed his chin while he watched my interactions with Roman.

Logan is an interesting fellow. He never really explains his actions. He just starts doing something until he's either done or you ask him what he's up to. "Virgil, how does your throat feel?" He asked. I gave him a limp shrug for an answer. My throat was still really dry and I didn't want to spiral off into another coughing frenzy. "Open your mouth" he then said.

I did as told. He pulled a small flashlight out from his pocket and looked inside my mouth. He then felt my neck gently with his fingers whilst pondering. His eyes looked blank but his expression told a mix of confusion and wonder. Obviously, he was deep in thought.

He stood up straight and adjusted his tie, clearing his throat harshly before he spoke, "Clearly your throat is swollen. While it is from your resent coughing fit, your throat is also terribly dry." Roman hugged my tighter. I smiled and patted his arm, telling him I was okay.

"Do you think he's sick?" Patton asked calmly, taking Logan's hand. I know that Patton and Logan have had feelings for each other for a while now, but ever since they made it official, it's cute to watch them flirt.

"Well, I mean, I'm sure it's just from his coughing fit. However, I am not well versed in the diseases that lie within the dark mind palace." I flinched a little bit. Roman and Patton glared at Logan who blushed from the sudden attention. "M-My apologizes, Virgil"

"It's fine," I said with the sandpaper-like feeling still stuck in my throat. I coughed a little more but, not as much this time.

Even though Logan brought up the dark mind palace and I flinched at its name, I don't remember the experience of being over there. Sure I remember when I was a "dark side" but I don't remember my most recent and unplanned return.

Roman kissed my head again and Logan and Patton began to leave. When the door clicked shut, Roman pulled me away from his hug so he could get a good look at me. His face read concern, it wasn't a good look for him. "Your sure you're okay?" He asked. I nodded again, taking the water glass from my nightstand and drinking the last couple drops before speaking.

"I'm fine. Just had another nightmare and started coughing."

"Another nightmare?! Isn't that the fourth one this week?" I nodded. Roman sighed. I've been telling Roman more and more about my dreams and nightmares. He's pretty good at figuring out what they mean. As of lately though, he's been stumped.

"This one was different though." I protested.

"How so?"

"W-Well, Deceit and Remus were in this one. I couldn't see what they were doing but I could hear them." I blinked, recalling the nightmare. "They sounded afraid."

"Of what?" Roman asked.

"I-I don't know. Not a lot scares Deceit or Remus half as much as this thing scared them!" I explained. Roman nodded and thought for a second, giving me time to look around my room. It was pretty much the same. My normal hoodie was on the floor and right now, I was wearing a too big light gray hoodie. I snuggled into it as I continued to watch Roman think.

Roman looked up at the wall for a second and sighed. "Sorry, Virgil. Thomas is summoning me. I'll be back shortly." With that, he kissed the top of my head and sunk out. I smiled as he left. I missed him already. I breathed deeply and calmly before resting my head against my pillow once again. As I tried to get back to sleep, the voice rang in my head. The voice that was at the end of my nightmare. I didn't tell Roman about it yet. I know I should, but I don't want him to think that I count on him for every little thing! I don't want him to think I'm annoying. I don't want him to leave me!

I sighed again, letting my mind wander into sleep with the small voice ringing in my head, listening to its words, "When at first you don't succeed...."

When at First You Don't Succeed - Sanders SidesWhere stories live. Discover now