Part 20 : Episode 2 - Logan

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My head felt like a thousand people were hitting it with hammers. I could feel the harsh light of the room through my shut eyelids but I didn't want to open my eyes. My head hurt way too much. I lifted my hand up to my head but I felt something coming down my head. Something that was dried out now. Using my other hand, I hoisted myself into a sitting position, feeling my bed make a tired creak under me.

I couldn't feel my glasses on my face which was further proven when I opened my eyes and could hardly see. The room wasn't as bright as I had once thought. The blinds were closed but light was pouring through them. I could vaguely see things in my room revert to normal. The white walls where returning to a light gray and the dent in my wall was buffing out. The newly formed hole in my desk was being patched back to normal. Foggy memories start flooding back to me of what happened after I returned to my room. I couldn't put anything together, it was like a puzzle with only a third of the pieces.

I lazily lifted my feet up and over, onto the ground, standing up but quickly falling onto my hands and knees. My world was spinning and it was clear that made legs were still not ready for travel. Pushing myself back until I was leaning against my bed frame, I took a couple breaths and let my legs regain feeling. Despite walking being a challenge, I felt like I slept for an eternity. It didn't really feel like sleeping though, more like a dreamless nightmare.

That's when the fog lifted. My head yanked up and my eyes widened. The dreamscape ...Virgil thought ....I yelled at him ...shut down ...Deceit ...Remus ...Wrath.

I jumped up from the floor and puked into the toilet. In a weird way, I felt so much better after doing that. Feeling the old and still venom leave my body. I sat down on the bathroom floor, using a nearby towel to wipe my mouth. I was panting but I hardly cared. I was so glad to have woken up.

I weakly and slowly began to stand, making eye contact with myself in the mirror. I moved closer to the mirror, I looked like a train wreck. My head had been cracked open by the temple and my hair was a total mess. I grabbed another towel got it wet, dabbing my cracked head, cleaning the blood away. And then put a big band-aid on it.

My neck caught my eye. Two little dots placed not too far apart. My eyes widened and I took a step back. That's where Deceit but me. I don't remember much after Remus smashed my head into my desk. I think I blacked out from there.

I swallowed the thick lump in my throat. My legs moved me back into my bedroom, my brain still wasn't fully awake but it was working enough. I saw my glasses lying on the ground near the door. I bent down and picked them up. There was a big crack down the left lense but, it didn't bother me that much. I looked at my door as I stood back up. Seeing it dark blues drew me closer to it. I twisted the knob carefully as if it might fall off. Looking out into the hallway, I saw Roman's door open.

Oh my god. My friends! Roman, Virgil. Patton!

I ran down the stairs, a smile creeping onto my face. How could I forget about my friends? I reached the ground floor and looked over, while I didn't see Patton, Roman was there looking at me. I let out a breath as I moved closer to him. He met me in the middle and wrapped me in a, much needed, hug. We pulled apart quickly, blushing. We both have boyfriends but I don't think they'd care. I haven't seen anyone in at least a week and I don't know when Roman was gotten.

"I'm so glad you're okay," I said between a breath.

"Same to you." He replied.

"What happened?"

"I don't know. Virgil fell asleep after you went to your room. He started saying you were in danger so I went up to your room and you were like Patton!" He explained. That seemed to tie together with what I remembered too. Roman was still smiling at me, I think he was happy that we were awake. I noticed two dots on the inside of his lips.

"Deceit bit you on the lips?" I questioned.

"Kinda? He shifted form to appear as Virgil and tricked me."

I was about to ask what happened to Virgil and where he was, but I was stopped by a certain light blue figure bouncing happily down the stairs. We made eye contact and wordlessly ran to each other. Wrapped in each other's arms, we both began crying quietly. I lifted up his chin, both of us smiling at the look of each other. I pulled him into a long and heavenly kiss.

"I missed you so much" Patton said as we pulled apart. His smile warming my heart.

"I missed you too!" I softly spoke. Patton looked over to Roman, who gave a weak smile, obviously missing Virgil.

"Where's Virgil?" Patton asked. Roman opened his mouth to speak but our eyes all were caught by the control panel. Stepping towards it, we could see only Virgil's panel was working while ours were gray. Virgil's area was blinking, Patton curiously reached out to touch it but I pulled his hand back. Never know what it could do to him. The way the panel looked reminded me a lot of the panel in the dream scape after it broke. This panel doesn't look broken though.

Something popped up on the scream and all of our heads turned towards it.

Please Note: Creativity, Logic, and Morality functions are rebooting and the Anxiety function is in danger of being deleted.

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