Part 20 : Episode 3 - Roman

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Light was fading into my closed eyes. My back was slightly sore, like I just slept for years on end. I opened my eyes a little bit. I can faintly see my room healing itself. It didn't look as bad as Logan and Patton's rooms did. My walls had faded to a light pink and were returning to its usual deep royal red. The blinds from my window were reattaching themselves to my windows and my room was tidying up. I swung my legs over my bed, holding my head which was pounding now that I was sitting up.

With my feet touching the soft carpeted floor, I stood up, extending the arms. I stretched my arms up over my head and back down. I took a deep breath in and released it. My mind was foggy with memories that didn't fully line up in my head. As if they weren't my memories.

I took a step forwards, I stumbled a little bit, as if I hadn't walked in a while. I looked down confusedly at my feet. What was going on? Whilst looking down, I noticed a little red spot in my carpet. What the hell? I bent down to try to rub it out only to find it was still kind of wet.

Suddenly, I remembered. The dreamscape ...Wrath's back ...Patton ...Logan and Virgil ...Nightmares ...Movies ...Protecting Virgil ...A kiss ...Deceit ...Dizziness ...VIRGIL!

I sprinted into my bathroom and crouched down in front of my toilet, releasing whatever was in my stomach, back out. I could feel the thick venom leave my system. I felt lighter in a strange way. I stood up, turning around to face the mirror behind me. My hair was a mess and my face was bright red from standing up suddenly. I had no major damage to my face or body. But, from what I remember...I opened my mouth and looked at my bottom lip. There were two little dots. I almost threw up again. I can't believe Deceit fooled me. I knew Virgil was acting odd. I should've known.

I feel so stupid.

I brushed my fingers through my hair. I lost. Virgil could've already been gone by the time Deceit bit me. I felt for my phone in my pocket, pulling it out a checking the date. It's been 4 days. Virgil isn't gone. I have to tell that to myself. I have to stay positive and have a clear mindset. If I don't, finding Virgil might get more difficult.

I walked into my bedroom and went straight for the door. Turning the knob quickly, I rushed downstairs. My heart beating. I looked over into the kitchen, Thomas was still in the kitchen fully asleep. My smiled to myself, laughing slightly for leaving him like that. I snapped my fingers and flicked my wrist down. He sunk out of the mind palace, he didn't need to be here for as long as he was but I couldn't really help that.

I heard more feet tap their way down the steps. I looked over and smiled at the side before me. He let out a sigh of relief and walked closer to me. I walked to him again, opening my arms. We hugged joyfully. I know what he said to Virgil, but he was worried about Patton, much like I am now about Virgil. Besides, he hasn't had any human contact for a week.

We quickly pulled apart. "I'm so glad you're okay." He said in a sigh.

"Same to you." I said.

"What happened?" He asked.

I swallowed and placed the story together in my head, replaying all I knew to him. He nodded, fully listening to the story. When I finished the story, I was smiling at Logan still. I don't really know why, I think I was just happy he was okay. I could see him looking at my lips.

"Deceit bit you on the lips?" He asked with his eyebrows raised.

"Kinda? He shifted form to appear as Virgil and tricked me." I answered him. He looked like he was going to ask a follow up question but then, Patton came bumbling down the stairs. Logan and Patton locked eyes and ran to each other.

I stopped paying attention. It reminded me too much of Virgil. I already missed him. Not to mention, I still feel like a failure to him.

I also kissed Deceit but I don't want to talk about that.

Patton looked at me and I gave a weak smile in return. His smile dropped as he looked around, "Where's Virgil?" I was about to answer when the control panel caught my attention. We approached it, I could see only Virgil's part was working. I started pressing buttons on my, now dead, panel but nothing was happening. Suddenly a notice popped up on the screen, I pulled my hand back quickly, but my heart dropped as I read the notice.

Please Note: Creativity, Logic, and Morality functions are rebooting and the Anxiety function is in danger of being deleted.

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