Part 7 - Virgil

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We were walking through the imagination which made me shiver almost every step. It reminded me of my first visit to the light mind palace all those years ago. With Roman's hand in mine, I felt calm but still on edge and wary.

The bench that Remus used to tell me about was still there. It was broken and weathered. Remus was so happy when he wrecked that bench, he came home and wouldn't shut up about it. There was a castle in the distance and the sun was burning bright. Roman was using his hands to create a purple flower which he then presented to me. I blushed but smiled widely, putting it into my pocket and playing which the petals.

Instead of continuing the straight-away towards the dark mind palace, we turned a corner into the dreamscape. It was an interesting sight. They were chairs placed in a line to the right with posters of Thomas in some of his favorite dreams. There weren't really walls, but there was a platform in front of a panel with a microphone and all sorts of blinking buttons. Logan stepped towards the panel, examining it closely.

I felt jittery. My nerves crawling up my back like forgotten sins. I bit my lip until the unforgettable taste of blood began to creep through. Roman held my hand tightly and pulled me in for a kiss. I melted into it, feeling everything I once felt float away. Nothing mattered when I was with Roman. Love is magical like that. For me, it was anyway. I could hear his heartbeat, it helped me be able to match his breathing and return to a calm state.

We pulled apart and he moved my bangs out of my eyes. "It'll be alright, my love. This will help you. I promise." I nodded, not fully trusting that notion but trying to stay positive. I know that Roman wouldn't break a promise, especially a promise made to me.  We looked over and Patton was practically glowing with joy. I rolled my eyes and Roman let out a chuckle.

"Are you ready, Virgil?" Logan said, stepping back from the panel. I nodded and let go of Roman's hand, feeling shaky as soon as I couldn't feel him anymore. Logan handed his books to Patton who grabbed them immediately. I tried to read the titles but was unsuccessful. Logan directed my attention to the platform, "That is how we're going to be able to see your dreams. If you need anything or get scared, keep in mind we are not far apart." I nodded. He then pointed to a screen on the panel, "This is where we will be watching said dreams. The platform will take them from your conscious and display them here." I nodded again.

"W-What exactly are we looking for?" I asked, playing with the strings of my hoodie.

"The thing that is troubling you. Whether it be some form of PTSD or some sort of fictional beast, we will find it and then go from there." Logan explained. My heart was skipping beats. They were actually going to see my nightmares. What were they going to think of me? What if they think I miss being a dark side? Or I miss Deceit and Remus? How was I going to explain the truth?

"Oh!" Logan said, snapping me from my thoughts. He pulled a white pill out of his pocket and summoned a glass of water. "Take this."

"What is it?"

"A sleeping pill, Virgil." I paused.

"Don't you need to take two of those to fall asleep?"

"I need you to be lucid. While I could have given you two, if you're lucid, then we can wake up faster in case of an emergency." That made me feel great...

I took the pill, placing it in my mouth then using the water to guide it down my throat. Once swallowed, the glass disappeared. Logan gestured over to the platform and I slowly moved towards it. I hand grabbed mine, I whipped my head around and was greeted by Roman's lips once again. "I'll be right here, Virgil. Just...say the word." I nodded.

I moved closer to the platform, finally stepping on it. I turned back towards my friends. Roman was sitting in a chair, grabbing on to the seat, trying not to get too antsy. Patton was standing next to Logan who I watched press a couple of buttons. I clear tube came down and surrounded the platform and me inside it. I put my hand on the glass and began to breathe faster. "Logan, stop! You're scaring him!" Roman said, standing up from his chair and taking a stand next to Logan.

"I'm sorry but it's for his safety and our own." Roman looked back at me. I nervously swallowed the giant lump in my throat and nodded. I let my hand fall and wrap itself around me, my other hand joining in. I was starting to feel the effects of the pills, feeling a drowsy wave hit me like bricks. I started swaying in the tank but shook my head in an effort to snap myself out of it.

I closed my eyes, still seeing the light from the tube through my eyes but slowly, it started to fade away. I felt like I was holding onto the light but it kept slipping from my reach. I was getting scared, my breathing becoming rapid again. 

"Deep breathes, Virgil. You're doing great!" Patton's voice rang in my head. I nodded and slowly calmed down, playing with the fabric of my hoodie with my fingers. The light began to fade again, reminding me of the time in the shower. I took a slow deep breath as the light faded fully and the world became quiet.

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