Part 20 : Episode 1 - Patton

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My ears were ringing like piercing sirens. My head was pounding deeply and my body was stiff. What happened? I opened my eyes a small bit, letting my pupils adjust before opening them further. My room looked like it was repairing itself. The walls were going from a white to a light blue like it usually is. The posters that were peeling and sliding off my walls were putting themselves back into place. My desk was reforming and fixing itself from completely smashed to brand new. Wait, my desk? What happened to my desk?

I sat up slowly, getting a feeling back in my bones. I rubbed the back of my neck, feeling two small bumps on my neck. I rolled my neck, listening to the almost therapeutic cracking and popping. I stretched out my arms and wiggled my legs. I was starting to feel better.

I swung my feet over the bed and began standing up. My legs felt like jelly, I ended up falling backwards on my bed, giggling to myself. I stood back up with more luck this time. I didn't move at first, letting the blood flow through me. I feel like I just hibernated or like sleeping beauty, sleeping for a thousand years. Why was that?

Then it hit me. Memories falling like bricks. The weight of it all knocking me back onto my bed. Virgil ...dreamscape... hit over the head for Logan ...Deceit ...Remus ...Wrath. They....They.

I ran into my bathroom and threw up. The venom from Deceit leaving me. I wiped my mouth and let stray tears fall freely down my face. How long have I been asleep? I pulled my phone out of my pocket. The screen was smashed but it still seemed to work. I turned it on a saw the date. It had been about 2 weeks. I almost threw up again.

2 whole weeks without Thomas having a sense of Morality?! How did he even cope? I pulled myself off the bathroom's floor, feeling dizzy from throwing up. I stopped at my mirror above the sink. My neck was bruised and I had a black eye, along with dark bags hanging under my eyes. The curls in my hair had fallen flat and my glasses were cracked along the rims. I went to feel the bruise on my neck but pulled back as touching it caused it pain. Using the walls, I guided myself into my main bedroom. The room looked healthier which was good for me. It meant I was doing better than I was. I looked at my desk, still curious as to why it was smashed when I woke up. I touched my fingers to it, feeling the soft finish glaze my finger tips. I took in a breath and smiled. It's good to be alive.

My feet brushed against something that went flying across the room. I followed it with my eyes before actually moving closer to it. Bending down to pick it up, I saw it was the book I was supposed to give Logan.


I rushed towards my door and opened it wide. I looked up and down the halls but didn't see anything. I only noticed Roman and Logan's doors were wide open. I paused for a minute to listen. I could hear voices coming from the living room.

My heart was beating like a drum as I marched quickly down the stairs. When I got to the bottom, I had two pairs of eyes looking at me. Roman and Logan's. Without a word from anybody, I rushed into Logan giving him a big hug and crying as I felt his touch again. I could hear small sobs from Logan too. He lifted up my chin and looked at me. He had a big band-aid on his temple. That made me worried about him but I was too happy to be in his arms again. We both smiled and leaned in for a long kiss.

I feel like I've waited forever for this. "I missed you so much" I said as we pulled apart.

"I missed you too!" Logan replied. Roman was also smiling, he looked tired and as if he had been heavily crying before this.

That got me thinking, "Where's Virgil?"

Our attention suddenly shifted to the Control Panel. It was all gray except for Virgil's area which was bright purple and blinking. I reached out to touch it but Logan pulled my hand back. Roman was pressing buttons on his side of the panel but nothing was happening. Finally, something popped up on the screen.

Please Note: Creativity, Logic, and Morality functions are rebooting and the Anxiety function is in danger of being deleted.

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