Part 15 - Roman

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"Virgil, wake up!" I hollered as I made frantic steps down the stairway. My heart was going faster than my mind could keep up. Virgil was right, Logan was in trouble. How could I have let this happen? I should've known. We left Patton alone and then we found him in coma or whatever, of course leaving Logan alone would do the same thing. If Wrath told Virgil the truth about anything, the truth was: He was, indeed, panning something big.

I jumped down the final couple steps, my eyes looking in the living room's general area. I could see Virgil had woken up but by his motions and his broken breathing pattern, I could tell he was freaking out. I rushed over to him, grabbing his hand while watched his eyes, glazed in fear look deep into mine.

Once he realized who I was, he arms coiled around, squeezing me in his embrace. I hugged him back gently as he sobbed into my chest, "T-T-They got L-L-Logan!" He muffled through my shirt.

"I know, baby." I hummed, rubbing the back of his head. I looked down at my emo prince, glazing at his pale skin and the bleeding eye shadow streaming down his face. He lifted up his face to look at me again.

"W-Wrath, h-h-he's g-gonna get y-you too!" He stammered. I've never seen him like this before. Sure, I've seen him scared but never seen him so confident that what he was scared of was really going to come true.

"I won't let them, Virgil. They may have gotten Logan and Patton but they're not going to get me, okay?" Virgil nodded. Even though I tried to sound confident in what I was saying, I wasn't so sure if that was the whole truth.

I heard more footsteps coming down the stairs. Turning my head, I saw Thomas casually walking into the kitchen. I don't know why he was in the kitchen, he already appears to be eating something. He turned around, looking shocked to see me. "Roman! What's up?" Thomas smirked. What's up? WHAT'S UP?! I'll tell you, 'what's up' Thomas, your life is falling apart and with two sides gone, you're mentally unstable.

That's what I would've said to Thomas, if I hadn't noticed what he was eating.

In his hands was a copy of a dictionary with chunks of pages missing as Thomas was tearing pages apart and swallowing them. I shuddered. "Thomas, why in all things gold are you eating a dictionary?" I questioned.

He looked down at the dictionary as if he forgot he was eating it. He snorted before taking a breath to answer, "Oh, well, I wanted to learn some new words to input into my scripts so I thought the simplest way to learn those words, was to eat a book full of words!" He said, shaking the book. He laughed again.

I don't think I've ever said this before: but Logan is the most important side. Thomas needs his Logic back. Now!

I stood up and walked closer to the kitchen, Virgil keeping a close eye on me to make sure I wouldn't vanish. "Thomas, it is clear that Logan being "shutdown" is having a really bad effect on you." I stated blankly.

"What? What happened to Logan?" Thomas asked.

"That's not important right now." I sighed, extending my hand, "Give me the dictionary." Thomas looked at my hand as if it were on fire. He gently set the book in my hand which I then threw behind me. "Now, Thomas, you're going to have to forgive me for what I'm about to do next. But Virgil is my main concern at this point and I can't be trying to babysit you at the same time I'm trying to protect him"

Thomas eyed my up and down before asking, "What am I going to forgive you for?"

"This." I said. I snapping my fingers and Thomas immediately fell on the ground in a peaceful, dream-filled sleep. I brushed my hands on my pants and turned around to Virgil. He was looking at me, very wide eyed and afraid.

I bit my lip, lifting up my arms slowly and approaching the couch that Virgil sat upon. "Virgil, I didn't mean to scare you. But what I said is true, you are my main concern." I sat down next to him but he shifted away from me. I knew my eyes which glowing with hurt but Virgil was too scared.

I really shouldn't have done that in front of Virgil.

"I-I know w-w-why you did t-that. B-But, I'm just...r-really afraid right n-now." He leaned into me which made me feel better. My arm carried over his shoulder protectively while he was fiddling with his hoodie strings. His legs were up by his chest and his hood was over his head. He was whispering to himself quietly but I tried to ignore it. He was in he own world right now. Maybe that was the safest place for him right now. For him to be away from here.

I sighed again, feeling fear loom inside me. I was kind of afraid to go to sleep or do anything right now. The house was quiet which it never was. I don't think I like it quiet. You can hear the ice machine in the fridge drop new ice cubes into the little bucket inside it. You can hear the old boards of the house shift slightly every time the wind blows harshly. Not to mention, I can hear my own thoughts, clearer than I've heard them in a long time. So many great ideas all for another day.

I looked back over at Virgil who was also looking at me. He blushed and mumbled a, 'sorry.' I only smiled and started brushing his hair with my fingers. I swear I heard him purr. I yawned deeply, making him do the same. "I don't want to sleep anymore." He whimpered, grabbing his head. "Every time I do...I wake up in so much pain." I kissed his temple and wrapped his hand in mine.

I glanced at the floor as the shine of something caught my eye. I smiled at the two DVDs on the ground. "How about we watch some movies instead?"

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