Part 14 : Episode 1 - Roman

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I couldn't believe Logan! Even though I was being sweet and comforting with Virgil right now, I was fuming. My face was bright red with anger, the hairs on the back of my neck where standing straight up with tension. What the fuck was he even thinking!? I get it, he's upset about Patton, but he has no right to tell MY boyfriend that he isn't doing anything about the problem. I don't want to even try to imagine what Virgil feels like right now. I know how fragile Virgil is, especially when it comes to his past. He was so broken when after Logan called him, "useless." The word made me shutter.

I left Virgil on the bottom step of the stairs, he was shaking but I knew he needed a second along. I went sorting through all of our Disney movies to try to find one that me and Virgil could calm down to. I don't want Virgil to be alone right now even though, I'm sure he wants to be.

As I was shuffling through the DVDs, I couldn't help but remember the movie nights me and Virgil would have together. We stopped having those after Virgil made that deal with Deceit. Virgil never did give me a straight answer as to why he even made the deal. Something about protecting us but I feel like there was more to it.

I had "Black Cauldron" in one hand and "Hunchback of Norte Dame" in my other hand. Both were great films, both Virgil's favorite films, both film we both knew by heart. "Hey Virgil, which would you rather watch?" I asked. He didn't answer me. "Virgil?" I turned around, worry grasping at me a little bit. When I noticed Virgil wasn't there, I bit my lip.

I dropped the movies on the ground and ran upstairs, my brain thinking the worst but my heart wanting to believe he was fine. I knocked on his door, "Virgil, baby?" I called out. No answer. I was getting more worried. I ran my hands over my face, wiping tears around my face that I didn't know I was crying. I knocked again, "Virgil, I'm not gonna be mad, I just want to make sure you're okay." Still no answer. Finally, I opened the door. I don't usually like to intrude but I wasn't given much choice.

To my surprise, the room was still. There was no movement, no sounds, no Virgil. I breathed deeply in relief. Leaning against the doorframe, smiling to myself. He was safe, but where did he go? I mindlessly walked back downstairs, wondering where Virgil went off to so quickly.

I jumped off the bottom step when I heard laughing coming from the control panel. I snapped my head up and looked towards the panel. I saw Thomas sitting down next to Virgil. Of course, Thomas had a panic attack along with Virgil! Without hesitation, I sunk down.

I popped up and moved closer to the couch, my heart fluttering when I saw Virgil asleep on an also sleeping Thomas. I geeked out momentarily, geez, when did I become Patton? Anyway, I grabbed a nearby blanket and placed it neatly on the both of them, watching them cuddle up with it.

I decided to stay in the living room with my sleeping host and his anxiety. I wanted to be here in case Virgil has another nightmare but also, I didn't want to see Logan right now. Knowing me and my feelings towards Logan right now, I'd probably snap his neck.

But I'm not going to do that so we're fine.

I sat on the other end of the couch and pulled out my phone. I started scrolling through my Instagram, looking at Thomas' fan art and edits. I smiled to myself, enjoying the quiet of the room and the sudden break from crazy reality.

I heard Virgil start moaning while shuffling with the blanket around him. I sprang up and crouched down in front of him. I could see the discomfort in his face, he was definitely having another nightmare. I put my hand on top of his, "It's okay, Virgil. I'm right here." I soothed. He only seemed to grow more uncomfortable but he squeezed my hand in return.

"L-Logan..." He mumbled, still deep in sleep.

"It's okay, he's not here." I brushed the bangs out of his face, trying to calm his squirming body down.

"N-No," came a quiet reply from his lips. "" Then Virgil went quiet.

"Virgil? Virgil!" I shook his shoulders but when I heard soft snores, I knew he was gone again. I looked down to the floor then back to Virgil. What was going on that I couldn't understand?

I waited a couple more seconds to make sure Virgil has truly gone back to sleep. I stood up and quickly walked upstairs. The hallway was quiet and dark. It gave me chills but I had to check on Logan. As much as I didn't want to see his face right now, I knew I'd feel bad if I didn't help him at the end of the day. I walked past my room, the Royal red door. Then Patton's, the bright blues turned into a pale white due to Patton's condition. Past Virgil's door, a room I've been to so many times. Finally, Logan's dark blue door.

I stood my body in front of the door, its energy was lower than normal. That was the first warning. I knocked on the door, my hand growing unsure if I really wanted to check on Logan. "Logan?" I said to the wooden door. "Not that I care all that much right now, but Virgil is worried about you." A second passed. Then another second. Before I knew it, I had stood in front of his door for a full minute. That was the second warning. I heard no noises, I heard no response, all I heard was my heart beating heavily in my ears. I couldn't take it.

"Logan, I'm coming inside." I twisted the knob gently, hoping Thomas' Logic would come to the door. Hoping anything other than nothing would happen. But when nothing else happened and I opened the door, I got the last warning.

Logan was lying stiff on his bed, a big bruise on his head which had been oozing with dried blood. His tie was astray and his glasses weren't on his face.

What struck me the most was that his eyes were closed and that's when I realized...

Whatever happened to Patton, had happened to Logan.

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