Part 9 - Virgil

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As Remus' mace swung down I held my hands over my head, hoping to protect myself but nothing ever happened. I looked down at my hands, confused, then I looked at Remus. He was laughing hysterically, gasping for air while dropping his mace and wrapping his arms around himself. Wait, I can hear Remus laughing? And I can see him too? What's happening?

"Hello, Virgil." A deep and smooth voice came from behind me. I turned around and was greeted by the same side I kept seeing in my nightmares. But this didn't feel like a nightmare, this was real. "It's good to finally meet you. You may call me, Wrath." He said, sticking his pale hand out for a shake. I reluctantly took his hand, shaking it lightly. He seemed amused, "I'm glad SOMEONE taught him manners." He said to Remus.

"That was mainly Deceit's doings. I taught him how to cook a live mouse without burning it." I shuddered at the memory. Wrath gestured to a wooden table and chairs which I was fairly certain wasn't there before. My feet were glued to the floor but Remus kicked my buckled knees, making me stumble forward. I took that as my cue to follow Wrath to the table.

Wrath sat across from me and Remus took a seat to my right. Wrath smiled unnaturally, putting his hands under his chin, staring at me. I shifted in my seat, why was he looking at that? I felt sick. "I'm sure you're confused as to why you're here, aren't you Virgil?" Wrath purred, his eyes still locked on me.

Remus looked back and forth between me and Wrath before growing bored and deciding to have some fun. He lifted his thumb and index finger up, the tips pinched together. His hand began to glow green and so did my lips. "Oh, I am so confused, Wrath!" Remus giggled, puppeting my lips. Wrath looked far from amused. Remus put his fingers down, the glow leaving my lips.

"Why don't you go check on Deceit, hm?" Wrath suggested. Without another word, Remus stood up and walked out of the dark mind palace. I knew that Remus and Deceit were scared of Wrath but not this much! 

"Anyway...." Wrath continued, "Whenever we saw you here, you weren't really here. It was a dream. A vision, if you will. All we knew, is if we messed with you here, your body would receive the pain. When Remus hit you over the head, you were no longer as a dream form, you are stuck here until your body wakes up from being knocked out." I kind of stopped listening to Wrath, instead, I thought of Roman. I can't imagine him having to watch my body after Remus hit me. I miss him. I miss Roman so much.

Tears started to flow down my face. Wrath chuckled slightly, reaching out and putting his hand under my chin, his eyes glowed, I could feel him inside my head, what the hell is he doing? He let go of my chin and I began to pant. I didn't even know I was holding my breath the whole time. "Thinking about Roman, are we?" Wrath cooed. I sniffled and he laughed again; a big, deep laugh. "Nothing is safe from me, Virgil. I can see inside your mind." I froze and shuddered. I don't even like people being in my room, let alone swimming through my black thoughts. Something even I hated doing.

"Why do you think Roman loves you?" Wrath asked after a long silence. I didn't respond to him, his face grew angry. "Do you think it's because of your sick thoughts or your twisted abilities to make Thomas panic to the point of passing out!" Wrath was now yelling. I was shaking in my chair, gripping the bottom of the seat. I couldn't move even if I tried; I was so frozen in fear. Tears streamed faster down my face like waterfalls. "If you ask me, I don't know what he sees in you."

"Me either," I whispered.

Wrath sucked in a breath, "Well since I read your mind, I should let you inside of mine," He paused. "We're planning something big, Virgil. Deceit, Remus, and I. Seeing as they failed to take over Thomas last time, I had to step in and 'pull the strings' if you will." Wrath's voice was deep like Deceit's but his words had the effect of Remus'. It was weird. "But this time, Virgil, I don't want to take over you too. I want you to help us!" He stuck out his hand and I eyed it, very confused.

"Why would I do that?" I said sternly. Wrath's face dropped.

"Think about what I said, Virgil. They hate you. Patton hates you. Logan hates you. Roman hates you." He laughed at that last one. "If they cared for you, why did they take you to the dreamscape? Because they knew you'd get stuck here with me, maybe? And if you were to be stuck here with me, you'd stay here and never wake up? Maybe, they'd hope you'd die in your dream and THEY COULD WATCH!"

"STOP!" I screamed, covering my ears. I couldn't take this anymore. The wind fell through my hair when I noticed Wrath pushed my chair back and I had hit the floor. I stood up, Wrath's hands glowing with fire.

"I don't get it!" He shouted, throwing a fireball which hit me in the arm. I yelled out in pain but kept backing away from a slowly approaching Wrath. "Why are you the 'chosen one' to be a light side!" Another fireball hit the leg. "Anxiety gets you nothing in life expect questioning looks and a therapist!" Another fireball hit my stomach. "Wrath gets you everything you could ever want by pushing away the people that corrupt you and stop you from your goals!" 

Wrath grabbed my neck, lifting me up, choking me. "Mark my words, Anxiety. Things will start fading away for you. First friends, then control, then Thomas!" Wrath threw me on the ground and my vision was white. I heard footsteps walk further and further away until through my closed eyes I could see some light.

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